23- conference call

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Nico POV

Is it weird that watching Lili smack that piece of shit in the face was a total turn on?

I should get an award for not taking her right then in the bar, but I promised myself I wouldn't take that step until she was ready. Until we'd at least had a date.

I know she's said she was ready before, but that was in the heat of the moment and I don't want her to regret it after waiting so long. After we both waited to be together for so long.

There's also the added pressure that her family took me in when my life was falling apart, if I do this, take the next step with Lili and it doesn't work out. I wouldn't just lose her, I'd lose everything.

It's probably the reason I never let myself see her that way.

I hardly have the chance to spend time with Lili over the next few weeks. After kicking out my no longer welcome lodger, we had to get back to reality. Our work hadn't stopped piling up while we were away so now we were both playing catch up.

Luckily a lot of my work is as a contractor for Lili's business, so I still get the chance to spend some time with her, while I try to plan an epic date.

The issue is that I suddenly have no game. Nothing I come up with seems to be even close to good enough for a first date with Lili. I can't think of a single damn thing that would make her as happy as she deserves to be.

Over two weeks and nothing! It's a depressing thought when you realise Matt actually might be the romantic one. When the fuck did that happen?

Speaking of Matt I'm having to drop everything for a last minute conference call with him at Lili's office fuck knows what it's about, but I get to see Lili so I'll be going.

Striding into the conference room I shoot Lili a smile. I promised to keep it professional in the office, but that doesn't mean that I can't fantasize about what I'd like to be doing on the conference table.

"So what's he want?" I ask Lili reaching for a stack of files, but she bats my hand away.

"These aren't for you, I'm just killing two birds with one stone." She explains, "I don't know what Matt wants to talk about, I probably offended some wanker and you have to go fix it" she laughs.

"Wanker?" I laugh, "you've been talking to Sophie too much"

"Haha, definitely." She giggles, her face coming alive with humour, making her somehow even more beautiful.

I'm about to lean in and sneak a kiss, when the intercom buzzes letting us know the call is coming through.

"Matt, how are things?" Lili smiles, as his image fills the screen, baby Ella nestled in his arms against what I know is a thousand dollar jacket. It's a weird image seeing Matt as a father but it suits him.

"So I had a call about an issue I think we should discuss" Matt says getting right to business.

"Ok, what's up?" I ask pulling out my cell to take notes.

"Benji called to tell me that you two are an item."

Fuck. Fuck that son of a fucking bitch. My eyes quickly flash to Lili whose face looks full of shock.

It feels like nobody wants to speak first, even with Matt being in England I can still feel the tension. My hand seeks out Lili under the table, giving her knee a reassuring squeeze.

"So what was the issue?" Lili finally asks.

"What's the issue? The issue is that you finally decide to go public with Nico and I get to hear it from Benji? Do you know how long I've been working on my surprised face for when you told me?"

I can hear Sophie giggle somewhere off Camera.

"Sophie told you?!" Lili gasps looking betrayed.

"No she didn't, she didn't need to. You guys aren't exactly subtle, you've been staring at each other like lovesick puppies for as long as I can remember. It was only a matter of time. Do you really think I'm that blind?" He laughs.

"Also a broken shower? Like I wouldn't know if something in my house was broken, and you say I'm a shit liar" Matt finishes directing the last part towards where I assume Sophie is sitting.

"So you're not annoyed?" I ask him, not totally convinced that this isn't him lulling me into a false sense of security before he pummels me into the dirt.

"No I'm not annoying," he chuckles, "I can't think of anybody better to take care of Nico than you Lili"

"Nob head. So you're not giving any 'if you hurt her' speech or anything?" I ask, finally able to smile.

"I don't need to threaten you for you to know you'll be hurt if she ever is, we both know Lili can handle you herself. Then you'll have to face Ma and Sophie."

Sophie finally comes into shot, signalling with two fingers that she's watching me, at least I assume it's me, hard to tell who is being pointed at through a webcam.

"So to be clear you pulled us into a meeting because you were pissed off that you didn't get to act surprised?" Lili clarifies.

"No, I figured that Benji must have had a motive for telling me so I wanted to warn you to keep an eye on him, and tell you that you should probably tell Ma before he does"

"I'll keep an eye on it" I promise. "When is it you guys are coming out?"

"Soph, Ella and I will be out in about three weeks, but Ma is flying out tomorrow with Leo to start sorting out the baptism and wedding stuff at that end"

"Leo's flying out with Penny eh?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Lili, give your boyfriend a smack for me" Matt scowls

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