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Lili POV 5 and a half years later

"MAAAAMAAAAAAA" the sound of little feet comes pounding towards us.

"Sounds like you're needed" I laugh at Soph who only just got comfortable.

"I swear if your brother has been scaring her with bugs again! I'll divorce his ass!" Sophie scowls. "I never get a minute of peace!"

"Stop letting him knock you up then" I laugh, sipping my drink.

"I don't 'keep letting him knock me up' " she argues. I glance down at her swollen stomach, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up!" She laughs. "This is the last one ok?"

"Mama! Mama!" Ella sobs, arriving in the room and throwing her arms around Sophie's swollen belly.

"There, there Ella" Sophie soothes, "remember we don't run in the pool room ok? Now don't cry, if you get tears on your little sister she might feel sad" Ella pulls her head back as if she got stung. Staring at Sophie's bump.

"Don't cry little Skye" she says, kissing her.

  "Skye? I didn't think you had a name yet?" I ask.

"We don't, Ella wants to name her after paw patrol characters, yesterday it was Rubble" she laughs wiping Ella's tears. "What has made my brave girl so sad?" She asks.

I look up as a guilty looking Nico shuffles into the room. Behind her.

"Koko putted on a film and the girl getted freezes and it was scary" Ella explains through her tears.

"Where was your Papa?" She asks, her brow creasing. Matt and Nico are supposed to be watching the film while we had a little girl time.

"With Raffy" she says with a little hiccup.

  "What happened?" As if summoned Matt walks into the room carrying Rafael on his hip.

"Koko scared Ella with a film" Sophie tells him, shooting a glare over at Nico.

"What the fuck? Why'd you turn off the princess flick?" Matt scowls, swatting Nico around the head.

"I didn't! She's crying at the princess film!" Nic objects. Making me giggle. It turned out Ella was crying because of a scene in frozen.

Sophie stands with Matt's help to lead Ella back to the Movie with Matt and Rafael to show her it's Disney ending leaving me and Nico by the pool.

"I think Aunty Lili should go and get dressed before your Nonna and Nonno Leo get here don't you?" She asks Ella loud enough for me to hear as they walk away.

"Will they has presents?" I hear Ella ask as she walks away, I can't believe she's turning six in a few days. I still remember the phone call when I found out about her.

I get to my feet stretching a little while Nico rakes my bikini clad body before they catch my eye with an approving wink, I lead the way upstairs swaying my hips a little more than necessary for Nico's benefit.

I know it's paid off when I'm roughly pushed against the door to 'our room'. Nico's hands find their way to the flimsy ties holding my bikini together letting the scraps of fabric drop to the floor.

The heat in Nico's eyes sends electricity straight to my honeypot. I know they are about to ravish me and I know I will enjoy every second of it.

"On the bed" Nico orders, I quickly obey running towards the bed and crawling up towards the cushions. "Stay like that!" Nico suddenly orders making me freeze on all fours.

I feel the bed dip behind me, then Nico's breath against my throbbing clit.

"Fucking perfect" Nico mutters thrusting their tongue into my slick channel, lapping up the excitement that's threatening to spill down my thighs.

Right as I'm about to climax Nico pulls their face away making me groan in objection. The groan quickly becomes a moan of pleasure when I feel the tip of their cock nudging at my entrance.

Using a hand to slightly dip my spine Nico slowly pushes into me until the tip of their cock is pressed against my cervix.

"So fucking good Kitten" Nico moans letting my body adjusts to their size before guiding my hips to slide me back and forth along their length.

I drop my upper body, my ass in the air, burying my face into the cushions to muffle my cries of pleasure.

Hearing an approving groan from Nico, they tighten their grip on my hips thrusting harder into me. My fingers grip into the bedding as I feel my walls start to flutter around Nico's length.

Nico lets me ride out my orgasm before pulling out and flipping me over.

"You know this will be to noisy" I point out.

"We'll go slow" Nico promises, stealing my lips as they slide into me to muffle my soft cry of pleasure.

Nico starts rocking their hips slowly, every inch of their cock rubbing torturously inside me. It's an entirely different type of pleasure and Nico knows exactly how I like it.

Shifting position slightly Nico's pelvis starts brushing my clit with every movement, the smirk on their face telling me that it's deliberate. My nails grip into Nico's arms and I try to hold back my orgasm wanting us to come together.

I can tell by their breathing Nico is close.

"Fuck, Kitten" Nico growls in my ear, my teeth bury into their shoulder to keep me quiet. Their cock twitching inside me as we both find our release.

We lay still for a while just holding each other.

"Koko! Koko! I wanna play frozen!" Ella's voice comes up the stairs.

"Looks like you're needed princess Koko" I giggle.

"Remind me why we decided to start trying for a baby again?" Nico asks with a deep chuckle.

"You love those kids, who else besides your nieces and nephew would get away with calling you Koko?" I smile. "I mean besides the obvious two?"

"The obvious two being Matt and Soph? Cause they don't get away with it, I've just given up telling them" Nico sighs laying next to me.

"No, not them. The obvious two like; one" I say pointing a finger at my own chest. I can feel my heart speeding up, I'm sure that Nico can hear it as well. "And two" I say moving my finger down to point at my lower abdomen.

Nico watches my finger for a while in silence, I can see the penny in the air Nico's eyes widening as the penny drops.

"Do you mean?"

"Yes" I nod frantically. "Around six weeks."

"We're gonna have a baby?!" Nico breathes in awe. Moving up onto their elbows Nico softly kisses my stomach before kissing my lips resting their head against mine, and whispering.

"I love you"


I'm actually really sad over finishing these stories :-/

Thanks if you read them all!

So I'm about to move house and after that I'll be starting a new story! All new characters. But I'll definitely be stealing commenters names again it's my way of thanking you for your support x

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