42- dodging calls

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Lili POV

I lay on my side watching the lit up screen of my cell. The picture of me lay against Nico's chest showing me who's calling. 

When my cell rings off I let out a sigh. I haven't spoken to Nico since they walked out of the hospital. Avoiding their calls feels like I'm just delaying the inevitable. I just keep seeing that look of disgust on their face before they left. 

I pull the comforter a little higher to cover the lower half of my face, I know I should probably  get up and eat but I just want to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door I don't get a chance to answer before Sophie walks in with a tray of food and Ella in a sling on her chest. 

 "You're supposed to wait for people to say come in" I grumble, pulling myself into a sitting position. 

 "You said 'go away' the last three times and I'm getting tired of fielding the calls from your partner" Sophie argues, pushing the tray into my lap and sitting at the edge of my bed. "It's after lunch, eat"

 "Nico called you?" I ask picking apart the pastry on my plate. 

 "Well apparently you aren't picking up, Nico is worried about you" she says soothingly. 

 "Yeah, so worried that they walked out of the hospital and didn't look back!" I grumble. "I can't imagine Matt is happy about your little phone calls" 

 "Oh he's not" she laughs airily. "I pointed out it's no different than if I talk to you but apparently I still need reminding 'who I belong too' I can't wait" she finishes with a dreamy look on her face. 

 "I didn't need to hear that" 

 "You wouldn't have heard it if you answered your phone, what's going on?" She asks, stealing a piece of my torn up pastry. 

 "You saw the look on Nico's face at the hospital didn't you? When the Doctor mentioned permanent damage. Nico has always been about looks, always had their hair styled, the most fashionable clothes, having a girlfriend with a lopsided face isn't going to make the cut."

 "You don't really believe that do you? Nico loves you! Even if there was any kind of lasting damage they wouldn't care as long as you were ok." 

 "But my face" I say, starting to cry. 

 "It's only been a week! The swelling has gone down loads already. You're planning for something that might never happen" Sophie lets out a long breath. 

 "Look, I won't drag you out of your room, yet. But no more sitting here in the dark wallowing." She stands up, yanking open the blinds. "Get out of bed, do some yoga, and get a shower, because Lili I love you, but you seriously fucking stink." 

With that Sophie turns to leave my room but as she reaches the door she stops and turns. 

 "Stop shutting out Nico. They need you as much as you need them. Ok?" She pulls the door closed and I'm alone again. 

Leaning back against the headboard I eat the food Sophie brought, my gaze landing outside the window. Watching the golden leaves of the tree swaying outside I smile slightly, remembering the day I fell out of that tree. 

The first time Nico started to steal my heart. 

Despite Sophie's advice, once I finish eating I lay down and fall asleep. I wake just in time to watch the sun setting, then finally drag myself to my en-suite. 

Turning on the water I take a deep breath I tug the towel covering the mirrored medicine cabinet flinching at my own face. 

Sophie was right that the swelling has gone down a little but my left eye is still bulging and uneven. The worst part is the bruising a mosaic of darkened skin decorating half my face. 

I drag my eyes away from my reflection stepping under the stream of hot water. My shower is my second love (after Nico) the massage setting soothes my muscles.

My eyes flutter closed as I drag my nails through my tangled curls and across my scalp using my fingers to gently seperate my curls. Then washing my body while I leave the conditioner to work it's magic. 

Stepping out of the shower I use my hand to wipe some steam from the mirror regretting it when I see my face again distorted further by the water.

 I squeeze the water from my hair before wrapping it in a towel on my head, and heading back to my room to get dressed. 

 "Damn Kitten, you're gonna give me a heart attack if you walk around like that!" Nico gasps from his seat on the window ledge. Scaring the shit out of me.

 "Nico!" I press my hand against my chest trying to stop my heart beating right out of my chest. "What are you doing here?"

 "Well, my girlfriend hasn't been taking my calls or replying to my messages and I couldn't focus, so I had to fly home and check on her myself." Nico gets to their feet approaching me. "Why are you avoiding me, Kitten?"

I avoid meeting Nico's eye, trying to keep my head at an angle to hide the bad side. 

 "Kitten?" Nico prompts me. 

 "I saw your face in the hospital before you left." I start. 

 "My face?"

 "When the doctor said there could be permanent damage. You just looked, you looked so disgusted. I wasn't ready to hear you end things with me. I know that's selfish but it's true ok." I admit. 

 "Oh Kitten." Nico says cupping my right cheek in their hand. "I wasn't disgusted, I was angry. I should have handled Benji before he could get anywhere near you. That's why we rushed off, we've been trying to find him but the rat is hiding"

 "You're back, does that mean you found him?" 

 "No. We were pretty sure he was in Cannes but we missed him. I couldn't focus on the search because I was avoiding using my cell incase I missed your call. I knew Matt wouldn't say no to making a stop here to see Soph and Ella so I took advantage. We have to leave again in the morning" Nico explains. 

 "And you don't want to break things off with me?" I check. 

 "I won't lie, I was going to. But... but, not because of how your injury looked. It was because I blamed myself for you having it. You never would have known him if it wasn't for me" Nico rests their head against the right side of mine, careful to avoid my injuries. 

 "Can we stop talking about him? I only have until the morning, I want to make the most of my time with you" Nico asks.

 "What would you consider making the most of it?" I reply. 

 "Honest answer? Being buried so deep in your tight pussy that you can taste my cum in the back of your throat… or cuddles? You choose"

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