38- With Nico

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Lili POV

Nico jumps into the driver's seat before I even get a chance.

"Come onnn" I groan childishly, "you never let me drive!" I complain.

"I'm driving because I want to do something" Nico insists, flashing their pearly white teeth at me.

"I have to call in the office" I remind them, "I want to get it over with so we can spend the rest of the day relaxing with everyone"

"I know, I just want to take a little detour, ok?" I nod my consent, buckling myself in as Nico revs the Engine, speeding out onto the road.

The car leaves the main road taking an exit I hadn't even spotted before which says a lot this has been Ma's church for as long as I can remember.

The car follows the narrow road winding through the trees until they open up to show a beautiful lake ahead.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" I gasp. Watching out of the window while Nico stops the car. "Why did we come here?" I ask suspiciously. I'm not really dressed for awkward car sex, as much as I'd enjoy it.

"I just thought we could come here alone 'cause being with you has been a bit weird this week" Nico sighs.

Shit. Being with me is weird? Are we breaking up? My heart starts thumping loud in my ears as I stare ahead. I think if I look at Nico I might cry.

"Not being able to share a room, I don't sleep as well. Apparently I need a Lili in my room to get some sleep" Nico chuckles deeply. "And we can't even curl up together on the couch like we usually do with all the people around. I love your family, I never thought I'd see the day I wanted them to send me home just so I could be alone with you?" Nico admits.

"So we're here to cuddle and be alone together?" I ask a little surprised.

"Yeah, if that's ok? I know you're busy but just ten minutes?" Nico pleads.

"You Ass!" I shout, softly punching their arm "I thought you were breaking up with me!"

"What?!" It's Nico's turn to be surprised now. "Why would you ever think something so stupid?"

"You drive me out here, tell me 'being with me is weird' what was I supposed to think?" I reason.

"You're so stupid," Nico laughs reaching over to unclip me and sliding their seat back to pull me onto their lap my feet resting on my seat. I lay my head in the crook of Nico's neck enjoying the warmth of their body against mine. The view and the peace surrounding us like a moment frozen in time.

I didn't realise how much I was missing just cuddling up with Nico until now.

After a while Nico lets out a long sigh, and I know it's time for us to go.

"I'll pick you up in an hour, yeah?" Nico offers dropping me off outside the office. The building is empty being a Sunday, just the security officer by the door. Looks like the new guy drew the short straw this week. I say a quick hello heading for the elevator.

Charlotte has left all the paperwork I'll need on my desk before she left so I just need to read through and take it back to Sophie to double check later.

I settle into my chair, putting my cell on the desk to play music breaking the eerie silence, and begin to read. Starting with the articles of association, so I'll understand Charlotte's proposal better.

After around twenty minutes I decide I need coffee to get through this. Walking down the corridor to the small kitchen.

When I return I'm curious that the music has stopped, my curiosity quickly turns to anger, when I reach my desk and turn to find my office is not empty. That security guard is so fired.

"What do you want, Benji?!" I demand.

"Just to talk to you" Benji says, pushing the door closed and taking a seat. "I see you are looking at stripping my shares… I guess you're really mad eh?" He gestures to my desk.

My eyes however are scanning for my cell noticing it's not where I left it.

"How did you get in here?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"Security let me in" Benji shrugs. "Sit down Lili" it comes out as more of a suggestion than an order. But I feel like I don't have much choice as Benji is between me and the door. I stride around my desk pressing the security speed dial on my phone but it doesn't connect.

"Oh, I unplugged it" Benji tells me, making my heart drop, "I didn't want our talk to be disturbed"

"What do you want, Benji? You know I'm not going to hand you my shares" I point out.

"I don't want your shares Lili," Benji laughs lightly, as if my assumption is crazy. "In fact if you want to buy my shares from me I'll sign them over now"

"So it's money you want?" I ask.

"No. Lili is this really what you think of me?" Benji asks, sounding disappointed.

"Well, given recent events. Yes" I admit, curious about what his goal is here.

"I admit that I went a bit far, but I was just trying to show you that you needed me. So you'd give me a chance" Benji sighs.

"What? A chance for what?" I ask, he can't mean what I think he does. All this can't have been in pursuit of a date?!

"A chance for us Lili" Benji stands from his chair walking around the desk and using his arms to box me into my chair.

It reminds me of a similar situation a few months ago with Nico, but the pounding in my chest this time is not from excitement. The feeling in my stomach is fear churning, not excited butterflies.

"You know I'm with Nico." I say quietly, looking down and avoiding his eye. I see his knuckles whiten as he grips the arms of my seat tighter.

"That lady boy?!" Benji spits. "You need a real man"

"A real man? Then what would I want with you" I spit.

I know it's stupid the moment I start to say it. The impact of the fist connecting with my face doesn't surprise me. Neither does the darkness that follows.

When I awake I'm still on the floor of my office alone. I pull myself to my feet, my left eye won't open I dread to think how I look.

The phone still isn't working and I don't know where my Cell is. But relief washes over me when I hear Nico's voice shouting me from outside the office.

"I'm here!" I call grabbing the handle to pull open the door, and immediately releasing it as my hand burns. The force of heat and smoke knocks me backwards into the room as it billows in through the now open door.

I gasp trying to catch my breath as the smoke fills the room. How is there a fire!

I drop to my hands and knees looking for clean air, praying for someone to help me.

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