26- Dinner and dessert

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Nico POV

I watch Lili take in the view from the window.

It's an impressive view, but I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy looking at her.

Her curls cascade down her back, the light from the window surrounding her giving her an ethereal glow. She's so fucking beautiful.

The bellboy finally arrives with the bags from the helicopter. I brought Lili a change of clothes for tomorrow and a night dress. As much as I'd like her to sleep naked and next to me I don't want her to think I expect anything.

If Lili wants to take that step I want it to be amazing for her.

"Come on kitten, let's get you something to eat"

"Kitten?" Lili asks over her shoulder looking confused.

"It suits you" I shrug. Taking her proffered hand and leading her from the room.

"How exactly does it suit me?" She laughs.

"Because you sleep all curled up, you're little and cute but you can be feisty and have claws" I list off, "and…" I stop leaning close to whisper in her ear. "I like when I make you purr" I whisper, placing a kiss on her neck just below her ear. 

"I don't purr!" She argues in an angry whisper.

"We'll see about that kitten" I insist. I'm only teasing myself and I know it but for some reason when it's Lili I can't help myself.

The host shows us to our table out on a separated section of  the terrace, Lili's favourite tulips and candles already prepared as I had ordered. Connecting my cell to the small speaker I start the playlist of songs that make me think of Lili.

"Nico!" Lili gasps, turning to look at me, her eyes wide and glassy.

I pull out a seat for Lili before taking the one opposite and pouring us both some wine. We fall into easy conversation, none of the awkwardness of a usual first date because this is Lili. She has seen me at my worst and she is still here. There is no need to put on an act for each other.

To give us more privacy I had pre- ordered our meals, a bruschetta starter, king salmon main and I had them bring in a surprise for dessert all I have to do is send a message to summon the waiter.

Just as we finish the Salmon Bon Jovi's all about loving you starts to play, and I get to my feet offering Lili my hand.

"May I have this dance?" I ask, making her giggle as she accepts my hand.

"Bon Jovi? You're so cheesy!"

I spin her around once before pulling her body to press against my own, my head resting against her curls as we start swaying our bodies in time to the music. It's one of those moments where the lyrics seem to speak to me directly.

'Mistakes you know I've made a few
I took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around that block a time or two'

There's no question that Lili has always been there to pull me from the darkness when I'd fall. This girl is way too good for me, how did I get so lucky? I tip Lili's face up to look at me sealing her lips with a soft kiss. She gives a gentle sigh and rests her head against my shoulder.

"When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you" I softly sing the last line into Lili's ear, still holding her close long after the song has finished.

"This is so amazing Nico" Lili gushes. "I just never imagined anything like this."

"Just wait for dessert" I reply smiling to myself.

"I don't want to wait," Lili says quietly. "I'd like to go back to our room and enjoy dessert now. With you." She pulls back to look at me through lowered lashes.

My eyes must be popping out of my head at her words.

I genuinely meant dessert. I'd ordered her favourite pistachio gelato for afterwards.

"Are you coming?" Lili asks, turning to leave and offering me her hand, If I'm honest I'm pretty fucking close to 'coming'. I accept Lili's hand allowing her to take charge leading me back to her room.

The moment the door to our room closes Lili Presses me against it, her lips are on mine hungrily while she fumbles with my belt.

"Lili are you sure about this?" I ask, Damn I hope she's sure.

"I want to try, is that ok?" She asks me nervously. I nod my consent, suddenly losing the ability to speak, it's like someone stuffed my mouth with cotton. I'm not even sure what I'm agreeing to, I'm just going to let her be in control and set the pace.

Lili pushes my slacks down letting them pool around my ankles, before tugging my shorts over my painfully hard cock. Sinking to her knees so her face is level with my erection.

Her fingers wrap around the base making me hiss in pleasure, then to my surprise she leans forward and wraps her lips around my cock. My head falls back but I immediately snap it forward again, wanting to enjoy the sight of her lips stretched around my cock.

She suckles gently at the tip before swirling her tongue around. The hot wet cavern of her mouth gives me pleasure I have never known. My hips buck by themselves thrusting me deep into her mouth. Making her pull her head back choking.

"Shit Lili I'm sorry" she shakes off my apology taking me back into her mouth, easing me deeper working the part she can't fit with her hand.

Fuck it feels good. My knees are starting to feel weak when Lili moans around my length, and I realise her other hand is between her delicious thighs.

"Fuck Lili stop!" I insist, hooking a hand under her arm to bring her to her feet.

"Did I do it wrong?" Lili asks, biting her lip. Fuck she's sexy.

"Not at all, if I didn't stop you I'd have come, I don't want to be done yet" I explain. Kissing her, I can taste myself on her lips but I ignore it toeing my shoes off and wrapping my hands around Lili to slide down the zipper of her dress, letting it fall to the floor.

"On the bed?" I suggest, enjoying the view of her in just boots and her mismatched lingerie. Little white cotton panties in contrast to the pink lace of her bra. "Leave the boots on" I order seeing her reach for the zip.

I approach the bed, standing between Lili's legs and kissing her softly. I trace my lips along her jaw and down the line of her neck, unclasping her bra to free her perfect tits, then gently push her back to lay flat on the bed. Her feet still on the floor.

She offered dessert and I intend to eat my fill.


Song lyrics credit

All about loving you Bon Jovi

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