39- Into the fire

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Nico POV

After visiting the jewellers to approve the finishing touches on Lili's Christmas present I start the drive back to Lili's office, using the hands free to call her, but it doesn't connect.

Reaching her office I hit dial again but it goes straight to voicemail, her office phone is still directing to the out of office voicemail, which I expected. She must be on a call so I text her instead 'downstairs when you're ready kitten.'

I lean back in my seat reading Plato's Symposium on my reading app while I wait.

According to the Greek mythology humans were created with two faces, four arms and legs. Until they were seperated, destined to wander the earth searching for their other half.

It's a nice myth, that we might be destined for a certain person, but I think it takes away from the effort and time it takes to make a relationship work. Besides how fucking weird would I look with my Lili attached to me 24/7? Not that I'd complain. I wonder if we have time to swing by my place and see how it looks before I take her back to her Ma's.

Four chapters later and still no sign of Lili.

I call again, getting sent straight to her voicemail so I decide to just go up and get her. Heading inside I'm surprised that the security desk is empty.

Lili seriously needs new guys. If they're off to take a slash they should at least lock the door. I walk to the elevator, swiping my access card and pressing the button to call it.

I casually look around and that's when I see him. The security guard is still at the desk, only he's slumped on the floor behind it, his white shirt stained red with blood.

Running towards him I check for a response. His pulse is there but it's slow and weak. I jam my fingers into the panic alarm under the security desk. It's adapted not only summoning the police, but also mine and Matt's security teams.

Then I run back to the elevator. I want to help this guy, I really do, I know I should stay and put pressure on the wound, but if he's down and Lili isn't picking up… I don't even want to think.

I call an ambulance as I impatiently wait for the elevator to reach Lili's floor, my stomach doing somersaults. I'm sure if I'd eaten today I'd vomit. The doors finally part and I'm thrown back. Stunned by the rush of heat.

"Lili" I gasp in shock, "LILI!" I scream into the flames engulfing her floor. I can't even see the door to her office through the smoke, the flames licking the walls.

I run into the nearby ladies room stripping off my jacket and soaking it under the faucet before I throw it over my head. I just need to reach fire extinguisher then I can get to the office.

Bracing myself I push through the door. Making my way through the flames.

"LILI!" I cry out again as I finally reach the stand that I know holds the fire extinguishers to find it empty. Whoever did this didn't intend for the fire to be stopped.

"I'm here!" I hear her voice. The relief is so strong that I feel sick. I hear a small yelp of pain as a beam of light briefly lights the room showing me the way to Lili.

Taking a deep breath and coughing on the smoke I run across the floor to Lili's office. The heat and the danger are an afterthought as all my focus is driven by that sound of pain from her. I need to get to Lili.

Dodging the furniture strewn across the ground. I reach the office, almost falling over Lili's body curled up on the floor, just inside, before I turn back forcing the door closed behind us.

"Lili, Lili say something." I beg, dropping to my knees and pulling her into my arms, her body shaking in fear.

"Nico," she whimpers, my heart feels as if it grew three sizes just hearing her voice. I pull her close to my chest carrying her to the point furthest from the door and keeping her cradled to my chest like a precious treasure.

"Who did this?"

"Benji." She says simply. He's a fucking dead man.

I don't lessen my hold when I pull out my cell to call the fire department giving our location. The moment I end the call my cell rings the screen displaying Matt's name.

"Nico, are you with Lili? Leo says the panic alarm triggered at the office and she's not picking up!" Matt's worried voice comes through the cell.

"Yeah, I have Lili, but…" I start.

"Oh thank fuck. I was worried sick!" Matt interrupts.

"Matt! the office is on fire with Lili inside. I got in and I found her, but I don't think that we can get out of here without help." I admit. I was willing to risk myself in the flames but there's no way I would risk Lili in them.

"Fuck!" I can hear Matt start screaming orders and the panicked voices of Lili's family in the background.

"We're on our way, there are people close by. Don't take any risks! Either of you!" He orders me.

I wrap the wet sleeve of my jacket around Lili's face trying to protect her from breathing the smoke as I cradle her in my arms. I can only hope the fire department arrives before the oxygen runs out.

"Nico, I'm scared" Lili whispers softly into my chest.

"I know kitten, help is on its way we're gonna be ok." I promise her, the truth is I have no idea if we're going to be ok. I'm fucking terrified, but I can't tell my girl that. "We need to start planning our wedding" I say, to distract her.

"Wedding?" She asks.

"I told you I'm going to marry you. Did you forget already?"

"This is hardly the time to propose" Lili scolds me.

"Why? Are you busy doing something else?" I laugh weakly, coughing on the smoke that has already filled the room.

I could try smashing a window, it would let out some smoke, but it would also feed the fire. So I just hold Lili close and pray for a fucking miracle.


Sorry I've been AWOL not had a free second recently.

There will be another update in a few minutes and possibly another in a few hours.

If you're still reading this unreliable authors story then thank you

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