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You shot awake, breathing deeply, an awful searing pain in the side of your jaw, your head pounding. You looked down through glassy eyes at your hands and feet, that were held captive by metal shackles bolted to the wall. All of your clothes were gone, except for your plain, cream underwear, that were now covered in small speckles of blood. You shivered in freight, thinking back to what had lead you here.

Images flickered in your mind. The emotionless steel face, the eye slit peering into your soul. The pain in your jaw after being hit with a blunt object, the darkness. You remembered being carried away, the rumble of engines and the whirring of air. You remember the cries of a woman, the muffled voice of the mask.

The pain in your head was now back. Throbbing behind your eyes, so overwhelming you were sure your skull would split in two. You tried to move your arms to cradle your head, but you couldn't reach, the chains that held you to the wall of your cell wouldn't allow you to. You let your head hang, tears rolling down past your cheeks, creating a small puddle on the shiny black floor. Your blurred reflection stared back at you in defeat.

"You're finally awake." The hollow, modulated voice echoed around your head. "I must admit, you didn't make it easy for me to find you."

You scrunched your eyes shut tightly, hoping it would go away. "A pest, cowering below the ground; but you couldn't hide forever."

"Just..." You uttered, just above a whisper. "Just kill me."

"Oh, giving up so soon...that's no fun at all." The modulated voice said, chuckling darkly, mocking you.

"Neither is being chained to a wall." You muttered.

You sat up gently, opening your eyes to a slight squint to look around the cell. You suddenly heard a hiss, making you pinch your knees into your chest. The hydraulics of the cell door creaked opened from the ground up. Your eyes settled on the large pair of black, shiny boots, then travelled up towards the lifeless mask. You felt your body become consumed with gooseflesh, the pounding in your head fading away. You stared up at the looming figure, your eyes wide and frightened. Your breathing turning rapid. Two other figures stood beside the door, on either side, one holding a large scythe, the other holding a large metal club.

The Supreme Leader skulked towards you, his steps almost silent considering how large he was. With the flick of his gloved hand the cell door closed with a large thud, trapping you inside with him. It was like he was a lion hunting a small, defenceless lamb. You caught a glimpse of his weapon, hanging from his belt, the memory of him cracking the side of your face with it made you tense up. You felt his dark energy, like a swarm of bees stinging your cold skin, as he got closer to you. The creature in the mask bent down, kneeling at eye level, you could hear the deep steady breaths escaping him through the metal mouth plate.

"Where am I?" You croaked, shuffling backwards. 

"You're in a prisoners cell, aboard my ship." The mask said coldly. 

"How did you find me?" You asked.

"The woman from the comlink knew your Father. She traded information for credits. You took the bait so easily, poor little thing." He said sarcastically, making your anger burn inside of you.

"So why haven't you killed me yet?" You spat. "I'm a force user, that alone is a death sentence to you."

"I took a sample of your blood when you were unconscious. Your count was, rather impressive..." The voice began, a single leather clad finger swiping across your injured jaw, making you wince in pain. "You may be of more use to me alive."

"I would rather die than serve you, or your dictatorship." You hissed, keeping your eyes settled on the opening in the mask.

"I had a feeling you would say that, your false bravery is sweet. As much as I would like to, I won't kill you; but I will make you wish you were dead. I will grind you into the dirt until you submit." He said, his voice unwavering.

You shivered at his words, his threat. Tears began to brim in your eyes again, you wanted nothing more than to be back under the ground, in the confines of your bunker. You wanted warmth and security, not chains. You wanted to feel safe again.

"Just submit to me, pet. And you will have what you so desperately desire." The voice said.

"Stay out of my fucking head." You snapped. 

The sound of the smack rang in your ears, a white hot pain in it's wake, your head falling to one side from the impact.

"I am the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy, you vile rat. I will do as I please." He spat, you could barely hear him through the ache that was consuming your entire face.

You felt an invisible grip on your hair as pain blazed through your scalp, lifting you from the ground you were curled up on. You were hovering, a guttural scream left your dry throat as you hung there in agony, eyes pleading at the emotionless mask.

"Please! Please...Supreme Leader!" You wailed, desperately.

"Ah, that's better." He said, before releasing his hold. You dropped to your knees, the bones almost shattering from the drop.

He turned on his heels and waved his right hand over the cell door, a rush of cold air entering as it opened. You closed your eyes tightly, raising your palm up. You felt a tingling sensation flooding through your veins, it was dark and electric, fuelled by your pain and your hatred for the creature before you. You reached into the dark force, feeling a surge of power in your finger tips, but before you could unleash it, a loud crackling noise filled your ears.

The Supreme Leader span around on his heels, his ignited saber swinging towards your hand. The red flames crackled and roared as he swung, you managed to block it, stopping it with your invisible hold. You heard the two other masked figures enter the cell, their weapons aimed at you, chests rising and falling quickly.

"There's that fighting spirit." The Supreme Leader said, tilting the mask and inspecting your rage filled expression. You spat a mixture of blood and saliva on the floor at his feet, eyes wide and undaunted. 

"Fuck you." You screamed in your mind.

"Oh, don't tempt me, pet. If you weren't so unsanitary, I would, and I'd let these two take turns in your other filthy holes." He said, his voice laced with malice.

You felt yourself tense at his words, a sick feeling lingering in your gut. The lightsaber retracted and you felt yourself curl into your knees, desperate to be left alone. The leader clad hand of the Supreme Leader nestled into your hair, gripping tightly and before you could protest, he smashed your face into the ground, covering it in your blood and saliva. You felt every bone in your face threaten to break as the force of his hand pushed you down.

"This is me being merciful." He snarled. 

His hand left your hair and a flick of his wrist he sent you flying into the steel wall, you gasped and spluttered for air, wiping your spoiled face with the back of your hand. You felt one of the henchmen throw something at you, you looked down at the lump of unappetising looking bread.

"Eat." A flat, deep voice commanded, before they all left the cell, the door slamming shut behind them.

You stared at the door, holding your hands out as far as you could, willing it to open, but it didn't. You were trapped again, in almost total darkness. You took the bread in your hands and ate it slowly, chewing on the stale mixture. You needed your energy if you were ever going to get out of this place alive.

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