A Favour

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You shot awake in your cot, breathing heavily, the once realistic nightmare now fading away into nothingness. You sat up, hugging your knees, whilst goose bumps covered your flesh beneath your comfortable clothes. You looked to your right, admiring the stars that still flickered fondly against the vast darkness, and then to your left, where your new owner slept soundly.

As Kylo Ren slept, you watched quietly, how his pale exposed chest rose and fell softly, how his hair spread over the pillow, how his lips parted slightly. He was beautiful, like a sleeping angel, you almost forgot that he was holding you captive in a cage against your will. You focused on his face, the hard edges of it, colliding with the softness of his lips and raven mane. As you focused on the sleeping giant you began to feel something, a gentle buzz in your chest, ebbing and flowing through you as you watched him idly.

The feeling was cold, like the beginning of pins and needles, flooding your senses, not a dark feeling but nor was it light, a mixture of both. It made you calm, but also anxious, safe by afraid. You soon realised it was Rens force signature. The very powerful that flowed through his cells, you could feel in your own.

You raised your cuffed hands, as if to feel him, focusing on him more, harnessing the feeling of his energy and as you reached into it, letting it over take you, your hands began to buzz and tingle, every passing second you felt stronger, darker, angrier. Until, two hazel eyes snapped open, two hands thrust forward and you flew back into the hard durasteel bars with a crack.

Your face grimaced as you felt your bones collide with your cage, the oxygen all but leaving your lungs, as well as the force signature. Ren held no concern for you as you met his eyes with your desperate ones, all he offered you was a scorn, ignoring the way you were struggling to breath. 

"And I was beginning to think you could behave..." He tsked, standing upright, skulking towards the cage. He entered, slamming his fist against the bars, the loud crash and rattle reverberating into your skull. "It's almost like, you want me to hurt you."

You spoke to him in your mind as your winded chest wouldn't allow you to speak. 

"I didn't know what I was doing."

"You were draining my power...feeding on it, like a leech. How do you know how to do that?" He said, kneeling on the ground opposite you, taking your chin in his thumb and forefinger, making you look at him.

"I already said I don't know. I just, felt you, your force, it called out to me, it was flowing through me, making me feel better...stronger. I didn't mean to-"

"Sh." He said, holding his forefinger to your lips. "Give me your hand."

You looked at him hesitantly, unable to decipher his tone, weather he wad going to rip your arms off or rock to sleep. his eyes gave nothing away, but you reached out all the same. His large hands engulfed yours, warming your skin, you felt the faint buzzing again, trickling into your veins, his eyes closed and you furrowed your brow, his force signature just as potent as it was before. then you felt your lungs ease up, no more pain, you felt stronger, more alert, and his hands let you go.

"Consider this a very rare act of kindness, pet."

"You...you healed me?"

"Yes. I can't have you dying so soon." He said, eyes meeting yours as his lips twisted into a smirk. "I gave you a favour, and now you owe me."

"I have nothing to give a man who already has the galaxy." You spat, looking down at your bare feet.

"Oh, my innocent pet..." He purred, stroking your jaw with a solitary finger, to which you felt no sign of bruising. "You have so much to give..." His finger moved to your neck, leaving a trail of goose flesh in its wake. "Every single inch of you."

You froze as his touch travelled farther down the length of your chest, brushing your nipples, you met his eyes, which were now dark, your breathing now rapid. He loomed over you, like a vulture, and a wild fire lit up in your stomach. You couldn't move away, your body betrayed you and welcomed his touch; but your mind was screaming at you to run, as you noticed the cage door swinging on its hinges gently.

"You will give yourself to me, willingly...in time." He purred, his lips dangerously close to yours, a magnetic energy drawing your eyes towards them...

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