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*AN - Please comment, vote and enjoy! Love SithKween<3*

"Is the leash really necessary?" You grunted.

"Yes." Kylo said back, a faint chuckle slipping out under his breath as he watched your short legs scurry to catch up with his long ones. "Until I can trust you not to run away, it is more than necessary."

You rolled your eyes and huffed. 

He walked you through the ship, down a few long, black corridors until he came to a large door. Two guards, dressed in white, topped with oversized bucket helmets opened the door for you both and saluted Ren, standing to attention as he dragged you inside.

The room was large, the walls were all windows, giving you a perfect view of the stars and the galaxies surrounding you. You didn't know exactly where you were, or how far you were from home, but the view was beautiful. A long, steel table was in the centre of the room, surrounded by with several chairs that were filled with important looking First Order personnel; as well as the Knights.

You eyed General Hux, his piercing, little eyes locked in on you as Ren pulled you along to the empty seat at the head of the table. He smirked at you and waved, you wanted to rip his fiery locks out of his pasty scalp. Kylo tugged the leash and you snapped your gaze to his. His voice echoed in your mind, the headache soon following.

"Easy, poppet."

You looked at his soft, golden eyes, his head tilted slightly, looking at you with a patronising expression. You took a few deep breaths and tried to calm your short temper. Ren sat down in his oversized black chair and held your leash firmly in his gloved hand. He tugged it once and you looked at him puzzled. He tapped his thigh and you heard a couple of the Knights laugh under their breath.


"On your thigh? No way..."

"I saidSIT." His voice rumbled in your head, making your skull rattle around. It sent waves of agony through your temples and behind your eyes, you frowned, but sat upon his thigh without hesitation.

"Behave." He whispered in your ear, his breath warming your neck. He bounced you on his big, strong thigh a couple of times, the cocky bastard, before addressing the table. "Council, Knights." He nodded once. They nodded back at him and you stayed still, until Ren pinched your arm, then you nodded too.

"Supreme Leader." Hux said coyly. "Ren's Rat."

You abruptly stood up and lurched towards the red headed General, your temper reaching its limit. Kylo wrenched back your leash and pulled you on his lap once again. You winced, landing firmly on your bruises. His gloved hand smacked your bare thigh and you hissed, eyes never leaving Hux's. He just smirked at you. 

"General, unless you want me to remove this leash and let her gouge your eyes from your fragile skull, I suggest you do not insult her again."

Hux looked at Ren, slightly horrified at the mental image he had just planted in his mind.

"Does anyone else wish to insult my pet?" The silence in the room was palpable. "No? Very good. General Pryde." He nodded once more.

The skinny, elderly gentlemen known as General Pryde stood up and cleared his throat, hands placed firmly behind his back. "Supreme Leader, we have taken control of Kijimi and enrolled at least a thousand new troopers into the rescheme."

"Excellent. Any further news?"

"Only that your predictions were correct, Sir." You watched Prydes eyes flicker briefly over yours and Kylos, you felt your senses prickle slightly, sensing a shift in the atmosphere of the room.

"I see. Cardo, take her outside for a moment." Ren said calmly, handing over the metal leash.

"Yes Master."

"Are you hiding something from me?" You snapped internally to Ren. 

"Nuo Dabar, poppet."

You weren't happy about having things hidden from you, or being made to leave the room, but you figured if you behaved then you would eventually find out. Your brain ticked, thinking what on earth you couldn't be around to hear as you left the room with Cardo. He didn't speak to you, just held your leash in his hands and stood against the wall.

"I really am sorry you know, for throwing you into a wall." You mumbled, teetering on the balls of your plimsole covered feet. 

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