Two Little Words.

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*TW - This chapter contains some extremely dubious consent, so please skip the last few paragraphs if this is going to upset you. But otherwise, comment, vote and enjoy!*

You managed a few hours of broken sleep, your eyes felt heavy and sore as you desperately focused on your chains, willing them to break; but alas, they didn't. You felt yourself becoming weaker with each passing minute, your mental and physical strength dwindling. After several failed attempts you sat with back to the wall of your cell in defeat. Almost automatically you etched two lines against the surface of it with the bolt holding your cuffs together, making it feel, strangely, more like home.

You'd spent your whole life wishing to be away from that bunker, to feel the warmth of sun rays or soft grass beneath your feet, to see the stars and wonders of the vast galaxy; but now you would have traded all of that just to be back under the ground, safe from the likes of The First Order. 

You huddled in the corner, a deep sigh leaving your throat as you thought of home. Until the sound of the cell door hissing caused you to look up, squinting at the brightness it let in, it must have been morning already.

A red headed man stood before you, arms crossed firmly behind his back, not a speckle of dust on his black First Order uniform. He scrunched his nose as he looked down of you, a puzzled look on his face. 

"You stand when your General enters the room, girl." He sneered. You frowned at him in silence, and stood up carefully, trying not to fall straight back down in your exhausted state. "Hm, smaller than I thought you would be." He muttered, examining you like a rare insect. "Prettier too."

He approached you slowly, circling you. You wished you could have crossed your arms over your barely covered body, but you couldn't, the chains were keeping you exposed.

"I can imagine you'd like to wash..." He said, nose scrunching again as he stood close to you.

You nodded meekly, agreeing with him.

"And eat? Hm?"

"Yes." You said, impatiently. 

"Where are your manners, grotesque child." He snarled, looking down his nose at you.

"Please...General." You mumbled, looking down at your dirty, bare feet.

"Better." He said, smirking slightly. "AL - 9278."

A soldier dressed in all white entered the cell as the General exited, the door closing behind him swiftly. He was holding a large bucket. You could hear the water inside of it, splashing around. The soldier moved towards you, swinging the bucket in his arms. Before the water landed on you, you focused your mind on it, stopping it in mid air. You heard a small noise of disbelief come from underneath his helmet.

"You will remove these chains and take me to a refresher." You whispered, focusing all of your energy into your words. A moment of silence hovered in the air.

"I will remove these chains and take you to a refresher." AL - 9278 repeated, emotionlessly.

You silently rejoiced, it worked.

You'd never attempted a force mind trick before, only read about them in your pile of ancient texts, but somehow you did it effortlessly. The white soldier took his blaster from his waist and aimed it at the bolt in the chains, he fired a single shot and they shattered, before clattering to the ground. He moved to your wrists and used a small key to unlock them. You held your red raw flesh and sighed in relief, comforting the fresh welts from where they had been gripped so tightly. Without another word the soldier took you by the arm and opened the cell door, you heard the floating water crash to the floor behind you as you left, and you smiled triumphantly. 

Luckily the ships hallway was deserted as you were lead through. AL - 9278 didn't speak, he just held your arm and walked forward. Once you arrived at the refresher door he let you go and nodded. 

You walked inside and felt a rush of cold air engulf your body. The bright florescent lights making your tired eyes sting. Inside of the refresher felt just as empty and clinical as your cell. The walls and floor were both white and spotless, there was a small shower behind a sheet of glass, a toilet, and a white sink with a small a circular mirror above it. You looked at your reflection and felt your stomach drop.

Deep purple and green bruises peppered your jaw, whilst grey bags hung under your blood shot eyes. Your hair was now a frizzy, unruly mess, some loose strands coated in dried blood. Your body was also soiled in blood and dirt, evidence of your unwanted removal from the bunker.
You took a deep breath in and a sombre breath out then moved away from the mirror, before turning the dial on the shower head.

You stripped out of your dirtied underwear and let yourself soak in the hot water, your sore muscles instantly relaxing. You looked down at your feet, watching a swirl of reddish brown water flow into the drain. You stood under the shower head and let the water rinse through your tangled hair, you were beginning to feel almost human again until a searing pain entered your head once more. But it went away almost as quickly as it came, like a flash of insidious lightning.

Once you had finished cleaning yourself you turned the dial back round and stepped out, grabbing a fresh towel as you did so, and wrapped it around your body, letting your wet hair cascade freely. You looked in the mirror again, a slight an improvement, but before you could admire yourself for too long the door of the refresher flew open, straight off of it's hinges, leaving you face to face with Kylo Ren and his two other masked accomplices.

You instantly shot your hands up to push him backwards, but he deflected you. He raised his own hand, and you felt the grip of his hold on your throat, squeezing tightly as if you were nothing more than a tin can. You closed your eyes and reached out with the force, sending an invisible kick to his ribs, he flinched but his hold on your delicate neck did not falter.

"Vicrul..." The mechanical voice said slowly.

The guard he called Vicrul entered the refresher, holding a pair of solid black handcuffs. You desperately tried to flail around, but your arms and legs were being held firmly in place now too. You were frozen in mid air. The bulky cuffs were placed on your wrists, snapping shut tightly. As you hung in the air you heard a slight chuckle come from the guards mask. You furrowed your brows and searched out in the darkness for the force, willing them all to snap in half.

"Unfortunately for you, those are anti force cuffs." The Supreme Leader snarled, his head tilting slightly. "It seems that you cannot be trusted to behave...."

You opened your mouth to try and speak, even to scream, but your throat was synched too tightly in his grasp.

"Oh, you really should have behaved..." He said, a dark chuckle echoed through you, making the hairs on your neck stand to attention.

You watched The Supreme Leaders hand, he raised it up and lowered two fingers ever so slowly. As he did, you felt your bath towel leaving your still damp body. Your eyes looked up into the hollow slit of the mask, wide and afraid.

"P..." You croaked, the grip on your throat easing slightly. "Please, don't."

"Mm, hearing you beg only makes it's more enjoyable for me." The voice laughed. 

Your towel fell to the ground in a heap whilst you were frozen, suspended in the air, giving the three masked creatures a complete view of your naked body. You desperately tried to cover yourself by crossing your legs and arms over your exposed flesh, but Kylo tsked you and swiped his hand forward, pulling you a little closer to him; your feet never touching the ground. You could hear Vicrul behind you, grunting like an animal, whilst the other masked creatures inhaled sharply, tilting their helmets, silently observing for what felt like an eternity. 

"What a pretty, little thing you are..." Kylo hissed through his mechanical tone.

You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment and disgust, wishing this was just a nightmare or a cruel vision, but it wasn't. The feeling of three sets of leather clad hands touching your bare skin was enough evidence to prove it was really happening.

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