Yes Master.

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*AN/TW - So this gets a lil violent but we love it. Please comment and vote!*

"How could you let her escape!" Ren bellowed, kicking Cardo firmly in the ribs as he lay on the floor of his quarters, eyes rolling around in his skull.

Kylo ran a gloved through his hair as he seethed. "Those cuffs are never to be removed from her. Do you all fucking hear me?"

The Knights grunted and nodded in unison.

"Good. She's close, I can feel her force signature. Find her and bring her to the throne room." Ren spat, pulling his mask over his head. "And put this on her." He continued, thrusting the embellished collar, along with a durasteel chain into Vicruls hands.

They all left the room together, shoes thudding and capes bellowing. Kylo growled under his breath, mind conjuring up suitable punishments for his little pet.


You managed to find an supply cupboard, full of various cleaning products and First Order uniforms. You breathed a sigh of relief, closing your eyes and your mind off from the force in an attempt to stay hidden. You hid amongst the clothes and wrapped yourself into a ball. You felt a strange guilt for Cardo, he was only doing what his master had ordered and he wasn't terrible company, but he was unfortunately in your way.

Sirens blared and red lights began to whir outside of your hiding place, you had no doubt the entire ship was looking for you. Your heart thumped in your chest as you heard footsteps run past, heavy footsteps. You had gone from pet to fugitive in a matter of minutes.

All of a sudden to footsteps stopped, your surroundings turning quiet again, and then, the door handle turned. You gripped your knees tight to your chest, attempting to stay invisible. You saw big, black leather boots, standing in the open door way. They stood there for a moment, before entering, you froze when you saw something hanging by their side.

It was your collar, attached to a metal leash...

"I know you're in here little one...I can smell your fear."

You recognised the voice, Vicrul.

"You think I'm afraid of you and your master?" You spat, letting out a nervous laugh.

"No." His footsteps approached you slowly. "But you should be."

Without a second thought you harnessed the force, holding your hand out and swiping it through the air, sending the bottles and brooms hurling at Vicrul. He let out a disgruntled huff.

"If you come willingly, master will show you mercy." He used his scythe to part the row of clothes you were hiding behind, before crouching down, his mask now inches from your face. "I suggest you do as he says." Vicruls hand lurched forward and gripped your hair tightly, threatening to rip it from your scalp.

You let out a scream as he held you in place, his other hand wrestling to collar around your neck, not bothering to ask if it was too tight. He dragged you out from your hiding spot by the chain, your knees dragged around the door painfully. You went to grab him, flailing your arms around but before you could you felt the familiar snap of the cuffs, rendering you powerless once again. You felt yourself begin to cry out of frustration, agony throbbed through your scalp and your neck as Vicrul yanked the leash, causing you to fall on your face.

"Poor little girl, so weak."

"Fuck you. You're all fucking animals." You said breathlessly, you tasted bitter copper as a warm trickle left your nose.

"Sh, that's enough."

You felt his hand wrap tightly around your shirt, pulling you to your feet like a rag doll. He turned on his heels, opened the cupboard door and left, dragging you along by the chain. You were almost running to keep up with his strides, trying to keep some slack in the leash so you didn't choke.

"Keep up little one." He laughed. "Almost there."

You looked around, you weren't near Kylos quarters. Where was he taking you?

"You'll see soon enough."

"Stay out of my head, nesanto." You said, choking as he tugged you forwards.

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