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*AN - Sorry for the wait! This chapter is basically all porn and a little angsty plot - This is fiction, not a depiction of how real world relationships should be. I hope you enjoy this chapter, please comment, vote and tell your pals to read it, tysm!*

"Look at you." Kylo purred, his intense, hazel orbs staring down as you were knelt before him, hands cuffed behind your back. "You're finally behaving. I knew you would."

His gloved finger traced the outline of your parted lips, a warmth flooded through you. As you looked up into his eyes you no longer felt fear, you no longer felt the need to run, you wanted him to touch you, to consume you.

For the first time in your life, you felt as if someone truly saw you. You didn't feel afraid of him anymore. His gaze was magnetic, his touch was electric, something deep inside of you was stirring, a strange air of safety. You couldn't understand it, how you had gone from wanting to kill him, to feeling compelled to please him. It was as if a switch had been flicked on in your mind. Perhaps it was lust, infatuation, all you knew is that you wanted Kylo Ren, more than you had ever wanted anything.

"Remove my cuffs." You whispered softly as his fingers skimmed over your warm cheeks. "Please, Master."

"That isn't such a smart idea now, is it poppet? You haven't earnt my trust yet." He said, smirking down at you.

"I-I want to touch you, Master." You pleaded, eyes never leaving his. 

Kylos lips formed into a slight grin as he observed your face, contemplating whether or not you were lying. He skimmed your mind for any thoughts, any indications that you would attack him, any sign of deceit; he found none.

There you were, this beautiful young girl, full of untapped potential and power, more than you could have ever thought possible, on your knees, submitting to him. You wanted him. The realisation made Kylo feel uneasy. He was always the one in charge, the dominant, he was in control, but as your bottom lip quivered, asking him to release you so you could touch him, he felt weak. He had not felt weak in a long time, nor had he felt afraid.

"Please." You spoke so softly, breaking him from his thoughts. 

Kylo paused, observing your doe eyes, your trembling lips, begging to be granted the smallest freedom. He realised then that it had been so long since he had been touched, since someone had wanted to touch him. The mighty Kylo Ren, stood before a girl who wasn't afraid of him, he almost laughed. She should be afraid of me, he thought, why isn't she afraid of me. He clasped his gloved hand around your dainty neck, squeezing just enough to make you gasp, yet your eyes weren't fearful. Then you spoke again, as if you could hear his mind as clear as day.

"I'm not afraid of you, Kylo." 

You saw his eyebrows furrow as you spoke, and then you felt it, his rage. He reacted quickly, lifting you by your collar until your feet were hovering above the ground, using the force to propel you back towards the bars of your cell. Your chest heaved as the air was knocked out of you, his once playful eyes now dark and impatient.

He held you above the ground with the force and pulled his saber from his waist, igniting it and holding it out towards your throat. The red blade crackled and roared, the smell of burning embers filled your nose, the impossible heat almost charring the hairs on your flesh. Kylo looked at you wildly, his teeth gritted, but still you were not phased. He inched the blade closer to you until it almost touched your jaw.

"I'm not, afraid, of you." You said again, your voice heavy and breathless as you fought to get the words out of your winded chest.

His mind raced with long forgotten emotions. You made him feel like someone he thought he had killed many years ago. He had fought for too long to be the fierce ruler he was now, but as he looked into your eyes, aglow with the red of his weapon, brave and undaunted, he knew you were going to be his greatest weakness, and that thought haunted him.

You saw the cogs turning and reeling behind his eyes, you felt his turmoil. You tried to speak again, but the tip of his blade touched your jaw and you let out a ferocious scream. The burning blistered through you, the agony filling your very bones. You closed your eyes, fearing that this would be the first of many burns, but then you heard the cross blade retract and you fell back to your knees with a painful thud. He turned away, pacing into his refresher without another word. You slumped against the bars of your cell and fought to catch your breath.

Renegade - Kylo Ren x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now