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Kylo practically dragged you by the cuffs through the never ending, reflective corridors of the ship in total silence. Your head was spinning, confused as to what just happened. Why did a part of your enjoy it, welcome it even. What did it mean for you, now you had submitted. You felt rolls of disappointment and despair roll off of you, you had a horrible feeling that either way, submitting or not, you would end up dead.

Hm. You heard the supreme leader tut, from under his mechanical disguise. "I'm not going to kill you, pet." His words mumbled through your mind, and you wondered how sincere he was.

Eventually you came to a large steel door, Ren pushed a few buttons and the door opened up. He lead you inside the room, whilst the other two stayed outside, the door snapped shut behind you. You looked around the room, it was large and vast, not a spec of dirt or an item out of place. You noticed a living area, a kitchen, a refresher and a large black bed. Beside the bed something else caught your eye, your blood running cold.

"Come, come and see your new home." He said, ushering you towards him.

"You're going to keep me in a cage?" You said, your words almost catching in your chest. The cage was tall and uninviting, a small cot placed in the corner of it. 

"Yes. Untrained pets need to be locked in cages. I can keep a close eye on you now." His mechanical voice mocked.

"Why are you doing this to me? Surely it would be less of a hindrance to you if you just killed me." You spat.

"I've already told you, you will be of great use to me. Now, get in your cage like a good girl. I have things to do."

"No. Take me back to my cell, please." You said, walking backwards away from him. Before you could get away the force latched itself around you, dragging you towards the cage by your waist. The door swung open as the force threw you inside, and with a swipe of Rens fingers the door slammed shut. You couldn't fight back, even if you wanted to. You fell to a heap onto the cot, defeated once again.

"I'll be back in an hour. Stay put." He said, a low laugh leaving his mask, filling you with anger.

Sarcastic fuck.

The Supreme Leader left his quarters, cape bellowing behind him. The glint of Vicruls scythe hit your eye as the door opened, you shivered. Even if you could escape the cage, you wouldn't be able to fight him off wearing anti - force cuffs.

You curled your knees up to your chest and let out a blood curdling scream. Every emotion hit you at once, you wished you could rip the cuffs from your wrists and destroy the whole ship and everyone on it. You just wanted to be free, you had been locked up, kept prisoner, for your whole life. You had spent every day of your life underground, training, working hard to protect yourself, but as you sat on the floor of the cage, you knew you were a failure.

Tears soaked your face, you laid down and closed your eyes, trying to rest. Your breathing was heavy, eyes stinging, you thought of your parents, what would they say if they saw you now. You  desperately wanted to drift away into nothingness, your body was shivering, only a towel to cover your bruised figure. As you laid there you sighed, opening your eyes slightly, as you did you looked over to the far end of the room, and your sadness melted away. 

You stood up on shaking legs, walking over to the bars of the cage. You held onto the bars and your eyes focused on the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. The enormous bay window, and beyond it, a million stars, embedded in the black sky. Your eyes widened like a child, in awe of the twinkling stars, you almost forgot where you were for a second, getting lost in the beauty of the galaxy that you had longed to see.

You'd been so mesmerised by the view that you hadn't noticed Ren return. The sound of his heavy footsteps approaching made you snap from your daze.

"Enjoying the view, pet?"

"I've never seen stars before." You whispered softly, eyes flicking between the serene view and your foreboding captor. "I uh, I need to use the refresher."

The Supreme Leader nodded, and as he swiped his hand to the side the cage door creaked open. You stepped out hesitantly, clutching the towel around yourself. You walked towards the door and paused, turning back to Ren.

"I can't use the toilet with these cuffs on." You said, shaking your wrists. 

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