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You woke up the next morning, warm and cosy, in Kylo's bed. You allowed your eyelids to flutter open, and look around the room. Kylo wasn't there next to you, but there was a small note left on his pillow. You reached over and read it.

'Good morning poppet. Take the pill and drink the water. I'll be back soon. Be good, Kylo.'

You pinched your brow and placed the note back down, before rolling over. What caught your eye first was the cage, or rather, the lack of. It was gone. Then you saw the small, blue pill next to the bottle of water on the black bedside table. You shrugged and swallowed them both down. As you sat up in the soft bed, you groaned.

You whole body felt tired, your limbs ached and between your legs was sore. Your mind flickered back to the previous night, how Kylo had taken you, taken a part of you, and how you had given it to him so willingly. Kylo had made you feel pleasure, unlike anything you ever thought was possibly, it was perfect. He was perfect. You were no longer afraid, no longer the timid mouse he had found in that god forsaken bunker.

You didn't care that he had hurt people, killed people, because you knew deep down that the two of you were now connected, bonded through the force, through your hunger for one another. The Supreme Leader had found you for a reason, and you were beginning to think that being here with him on his ship was your true destiny, not to put an end to his life.

You stretched your arms above your head and laughed softly, unable to believe how your life had changed in such a short space of time. It felt good to be in a bed, not a small cramped cot inside a durasteel cage, it felt good to have soft sheets against your naked skin, it felt good to be warm and content inside. But what felt best was not having those fucking cuffs on. 

The curtains drew open when you swiped your hand to the side, showing you the beautiful, serene stars of the galaxy. You curled two fingers towards you, and one of Kylo's large undershirts floated towards you like smoke. You pulled the soft material over your head and put your arms through the big holes, and laughed at how big it was on you, it was more like a dress. You stepped out of the bed slowly and made your way to the refresher. You looked at your face in the mirror, the bags under the curves of your eyes weren't so deep and purple anymore, your skin wasn't dull and sunken anymore, you looked alive, you looked all aglow. Your eyes widened at the marks on your neck, deep red and pink welts resting there, marks of the Supreme Leaders lips. You felt yourself clench, already eager for more. More, more, more. 

You brushed your teeth and fixed your hair, then heard the doors of Kylos chambers open and shut swiftly. You didn't have to see him to know he was there, you could feel him, the faint chill in the air, the small buzz in your veins, and then you heard him, his mind rambling, 'where is she, has she taken the pill, where...poppet'

"Hi." You said, walking out of the refresher slowly. He was stood in his usual black ensemble, his clock draped behind him, gloves on his large hands that were holding a small tray, and his mask under his armpit.

"There you are." He smirked. He held out a muffin to you, the smell hitting you with nostalgia. Moon muffins were your favourite. "I know."

"Thank you." You sighed, taking it from him and devouring it. Perfect.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sincerely. 

"Good." You said through a mouthful. "R-really good." You smiled at him, noticing his amber eyes gleaming. 'Finally, mine, mine.' "Your thoughts are very loud without the cuffs on." You chuckled.

"I can put them back on if you'd prefer little one?" He said, raising an eyebrow questionably.

"No thanks. They're fucking heavy." You said, taking another large bite. 

'Neck, bruised, so pretty, so fucking tight, need her...'

'So handsome, so big, nice lips, need him...'

You both laughed, registering each others thoughts, then pounced. He dropped the contents of his arms to the ground with a thud, you swallowed down your moon muffin and jumped on him, wrapping your legs around him like he was a tree and the floor was on fire.

Kylo kissed you with such ferocity you felt and tasted your lip split. You fisted his silky hair in-between your fingers and tugged it tightly, making him growl against your neck as he nipped and sucked, adding more welts to the blotchy collection.

'Fuck, fuck her, make her scream...'

'Need him, want his cock, oh Kylo...'

Renegade - Kylo Ren x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now