Chapter 16

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Jungkook's P.O.V
I stood next the guard outside of where Lisa was. She was just about to seduce someone that isn't me, I barley approve of this whether it's a girl or boy.

"You can't stand here" the guard said. The same guard that interrupted Lisa and I.

"Listen BUD I'll stand where I want" I said and he kept insisting for me to leave but I did not move, so he eventually stopped.

"Jungkook you're stressing the poor guy out" Jimin laughed through the ear piece.

I disconnected the ear piece and from the rest of the gang and turned on the one where it was just Lisa and I.

"So what's your name doll?"
"You put up one heck of a show out there"
"D-did you really like it?"

That's my girl, playing it cute and innocent.

"Yes doll I really enjoyed it..... Why don't we skip the talking and the private show and get to the best part"
"W-what do you mean?"
"As much as I love this top on you Kamile I would love as much off"

I was getting angry. Thoughts were rushing through my head about Amarie touching her and being in the spot that I'M suppose to be in.

"Now why don't you sit down like a good girl and let me please you" Amarie spoke.

I started to grab my gun that was hiding behind my blouse.

"Jungkook stop it, you'll ruin the whole mission" Namjoon said over the earpiece.

I heard the sound of kissing and moaning and I couldn't contain myself at that point. I grabbed my gun and knocked the guard and bursted in.

I saw Amarie straddling Lisa as one of her hands were behind Lisa's neck and the other was on her tit.

Did I just jeopardize the entire mission?

Lisa took then opportunity and turned Amarie around and put her in a head lock.

My girl just put a trained assassin in a choke hold. I can admire this scenery all day.

I walked over and placed the gun to Amarie's head. I wasn't going to shoot though. The bullet would go through her head into Lisa's chest.

"Jeon Jungkook what a pleasure, I haven't seen you since Vegas" She tried to speak out but Lisa was holding on with every bit of strength leaving her out of breath.

"You here to finally kill me, seems like you couldn't do it back then" She smiled as her face turned red.

I don't remember my targets, maybe I did try to kill her but I could care less about her inconvenience to my life.

"I could give two shits about killing you Amarie" I said as I saw the light leaving her eyes. Seconds later shes past out.

Lisa's P.O.V
Once I saw Amarie stop struggling I let her go and finally let out a breath. That's took every bit of strength I had in me to put this bitch to sleep.

Jungkook put down his gun and slightly kicked Amarie to make sure she was knocked out.

"Jungkook it wasn't time to bust in" I told him and he looked up at me.
"I didn't want her hands on you"
"I didn't think you would be this unprofessional on missions" I crossed my arms with a smirk
"For you darling I would let my guard down"

The boys walked in dragging the body guard from outside. Guessing Jungkook knocked him out.

"Next time you knock somebody out in a public place don't leave him out there like a dead rat" Hoseok said panting dragging him in.

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