Chapter 20 - Recognising our feelings

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<Katsuki's POV>

After the old man left, the three of us just lay there on the sand for almost 20 minutes. Izuku lay between me and round face. Round face lay close to the nerd. Honestly, the 2 should get together already.

"That was fun," I exclaimed.

"You call that fun?" Deku asked. "That was not at all fun, my arms and legs are burning."

"And my head hurts from the old man's hits." Round Face says, rubbing her head.

"I'm hungry, lets go eat somewhere," I suggested.

"You wanna try that new restaurant that's nearby?" Deku asked.

"Sure, I could use some food." Round Face whined.

With a pained effort, we got up and began to limp away. We were tired. We walked to this new restaurant that had opened near the beach. It was called Baratie. The place was all pirate-themed and was owned by a guy with this huge chef's hat and a wooden leg.

We entered the restaurant and ordered some food. Since the place was a 24-hour joint, we didn't have a limited menu.

Izuku ordered Cheese-Feathered Hanetsuki Gyōza and a mini soufflé omelet. Round face decided to stuff herself with Chaliapin steak don and green tea mochi. I had a Roast beef and apple risotto. We spent an hour at the place, got into a fight over who paid for the food. In the end the nerd snuck out of the argument and paid for it. I didn't mind since the 2 of them had to get me a day of lunch each.

We left thanking the chef and the waiter who was practically drooling over the Round Face which caused the nerd to get jealous. I had to hold him back on 2 separate occasions when he was about to smack the living shit out of the waiter for trying to get a date with Round Face.

We went to the arcade and spent time there since it had been quite some time we had gone there. The nerd would win at dance-dance revolution, Round face at those claw–grabber games and I won in the racing games. We left the arcade with the stupidest goggles we could buy with our tickets.

As the sunset, the nerd made a call to his driver/butler to pick the 3 of us from the arcade. We spent the 10 minutes it took the man to get to our location buying some drinks. The nerd had a bottle of non-alcoholic beer, Round Face had cold green tea from a can, and was having a monster ultra.

After the nerd's driver picked us up, we dropped round face-off first then the nerd dropped me at my house before he left to go to his house.

I went home and was greeted by my old hag who just told me to go take a shower. She told me and I quote, "Oi brat go take a shower, you stink worse than a dead rotting skunk."

I just replied with the usual, "I know that ya old hag", only to get a smack on my head. I walked to the bathroom, rubbing my head where the old hag hit me.

I came out of the shower after an hour and immediately hit the sack not caring to eat dinner. I knew tomorrow was going to be another lever of hell since we would be sparring with someone and it was going to be someone new since the nerd didn't tell us anything.

<Uraraka's POV>

After Deku dropped me home I ran inside and tried to hug my mom, who stepped out of the way and literally kicked me to the bathroom telling me to take a shower cuz I smelled.

After a nice long shower, I was going back to my room when explode-o-dog sent the picture of the 3 of us at that restaurant. that weird waiter was annoying. I mean he kept asking me out on a date even after I told him I wasn't interested. I saw how riled up Deku got over that and it was funny. I never thought I'd see the day when Deku was jealous.

He was dense, I mean seriously, I tried to tell him through my actions that I like him, but that boy is dense. I've tried sitting close to him, placing my head on his shoulder and now I don't know what to do about him. Seriously even Bakugou has seen how dense he can be. I'm not sure what to do anymore.

Maybe after the entrance exams, I'll ask him out or something. I told my mom I wasn't going to have dinner and was going to sleep. I sat on my bed in my pajamas and lay down listening to some songs, falling asleep soon after.

<Izuku's POV>

After Monosuke dropped Uraraka and Kaachan home, I asked him if dad was home. He told me that dad reached home about 2 hours earlier.

The rest of the ride home, the only thing going through my mind was the events of the past few hours, specifically the event at the restaurant. I don't know why but when that waiter kept trying to ask Uraraka out on a date, I was really pissed about it and I didn't know about it. I decided that I will ask dad about it later.

Once we reached home, I greeted dad who was having dinner, and rushed to the bathroom for a shower. After a long shower, I came out and wore a t-shirt that said t-shirt and a pair of dark blue shorts. I walked down to the living room and sat next to dad who was going through some papers.

"Hey dad, how was your day?"

"Oh Izuku, you know the usual, I spent the 4 hours I had stopping villains across Hosu, Musutafu, and Central City. Met a few of the newer pros and I got to say some of them have great potential. I met Hawks and Edgeshot while I was capturing a villain and I must admit, Hawks and Edgeshot are fast, they kept up with me while I was doing a patrol. Though I must say they still aren't a match to the speeds I reached in my prime. I must also admit, the work you've put in cleaning the beach is the definition of plus ultra. If I had to guess you could easily use One for All at 10 or even 15 percent. I also noticed a specific girl blushing when I came to visit today. Good work Izuku. I don't mind you having a relationship with her."

"Ehhhhh....... I....... What......... Who.......... I... I don't think we are on the same page, dad. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a few things. First, do you know what Granpa has planned for us for the next 5 months and who are the people coming tomorrow? Second is well a bit embarrassing, today when the 3 of us went to get some snacks after training, at the restaurant, there was this waiter who kept trying to ask Uraraka out on a date and for some reason, I didn't like that and I'm not sure what to make of it. I was hoping you could help me understand what I was feeling. And third well about One for All, I know you want me to inherit it as soon as possible but I was hoping that, well, you could keep it for some more time, maybe until the sports festival. That way you can tell the world that I am your son and 'successor' at the same time if you get what I am saying."

"I understand, I'll hold on to One for All for now. As for your first question, yes, I do but I'm not allowed to tell you guys about it. All I can tell you is that they are strong, but they are not pros. And as for the last question, I know what you are going through, it is a simple case of you being jealous."

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"Alright, if I were to put someone like.... Uhh.... Say that Yaoyorozu girl you met at the hero convention a few years ago the one that asked you out 2 years ago and you declined. Remember her?"

"You mean Momo? Yes, I remember her. What about her?"

"First name basis eh. Anyway, if someone like her was to be asked out by a total stranger in front of you how would you feel about that?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... I wouldn't mind it as long as the person isn't a perv and is a decent person, I guess."

"Ok, now in the same position if your friend Uraraka was there, how would you feel? You can take your time for this, but I would like an answer by tomorrow. Now off to bed, it's really late and you have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll think about it, dad. Goodnight dad."

"Good night son, I'll see you in the morning."

I get up and walk back to the room while thinking about the answer to the question dad asked me. While thinking of the answer I felt the same feeling I had while I was at the restaurant. I wasn't sure what this feeling was, but I was hoping dad could help me get to the bottom of it.

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