Chapter 55 - It's time to Party

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The Next Day.

Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari and Jiro were standing outside the Yagi Mansion, waiting to be let in.

"Should we ring the bell once again?" Jiro asked.

"We just rang the bell, Jiro. You see this road," Mina said, pointing to the long road on the other side, leading to the main entrance. "It takes time for anyone to come here. plus, we just rang the bell, so wait a minute."

Jiro was about to respond when the sounds of a horn interrupt her. The 4 turn to look at the car, to see Momo in the driver's seat with a massive karaoke system in the back.

"Hey guys," She greeted them. "Why you standing outside?"

"We can't get in, well technically we don't know how to get in so...." Jiro said, trailing off at the end.

"Oh, you have to press the button on that wall." Momo told them. "It's next to the doorbell."

"Sure......" Kaminari said, sceptical of the other button.

"It's the alarm that goes straight to Izuku's room, since when he's home, the servants usually rest at their quarters and he doesn't want to disturb them, so he does the work himself. On the days he and uncle are not home, you need to press the other bell for any response." Momo explained.

"Totally not weird." Kirishima commented. "But still manly!!!!!"

"Well, press that bell and get it, I'll take you inside." Momo said.

"who the fuck is this??!!!!" an angry voice shouted on the other side.

"Bakugou, its Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Ashido and Kirishima, open the door and let us in." Momo responded.

"Uhhhh.... I don't have a Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Ashido and Kirishima on the list here, is there some other name I could fucking go by?" the voice asked.

"Bakugou!!!!!!!" Momo shouted. "let us in!"

"I need to see your name on the damn list, so what are your names." Bakugou asked.


"Names or you aren't allowed in."

"I feel like I'm going to regret this but, ponytail, shitty hair, dunce face and raccoon eyes. Now let us in!" Momo shouted.

"Alright, all 4 of you are on the list, you may come in."

"Just you wait till I see you Bakugou! I'm going to shove a pole up your ass!" Momo shouted as the door opened and she drove inside.

On the other side of the phone. "Did you really have to do that, Kaachan." Izuku asked the blonde boy.

"Just having some fun, it's gotten boring here." Katsuki responded.

"But wasn't that mean?" Izuku asked his friend.

"Nah, it'll be fine. Just watch." Katsuki says as the main door opens and Momo walks in with her friends. "Hey, Ponytails." Katsuki greets her.

"I am this close to committing a murder, Katsuki!" Momo shouted. "Also, Izuku, can you get the Karaoke system from the car, it's a bit heavy."

"Sure, thing Yao-Momo." Izuku responded. "Hey, Kaachan, want to help?"

"Nah, I'm helping ponytail and twinkle toes with the tables." Katsuki said, sitting on the couch, not moving whatsoever.

"Sure." Izuku said, rolling his eyes at his friend, before going out of the door. He walks in a few minutes later, Karaoke system over his shoulder.

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