Arc 5 - A festival Begins

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Having barely survived the USJ Ambush, Izuku and the rest of Class A face a new challenge. 

The UA Sports Festival.

Will the students be able to succeed in the festival or will people from the other classes be able to defeat the students of Class A? Who will rise as the victor at the end of the festival? Will Izuku rise to the occasion and prove that he is in f...

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Will the students be able to succeed in the festival or will people from the other classes be able to defeat the students of Class A? Who will rise as the victor at the end of the festival? Will Izuku rise to the occasion and prove that he is in fact here? And will Katsuki Bakugou get a girlfriend this arc?

3 of these 4 questions will be answered in the following chapters. Stay tuned to find out which ones are answered.

 Stay tuned to find out which ones are answered

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