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I had been walking around the muggle world at night with my familiar Padfoot walking with me. He was a gift from Death, and had basically been my godfather brought back in the form of Padfoot and was stuck as Padfoot and made to be my familiar. As I was walking I saw a disfigured shadow made its appearance, 'Mistress' its gravely voice hissed out. I looked at the shadow that was now pointing towards a bench nearby. I instantly was drawn to the man sitting there with the unusual death date on him. It was gold, it was similar to mine as I am immortal and would come back, 'He's a Time Lord, the last one,' Death added as my eyes widened. Since Death could be there at anytime, on any planet, of any galaxy, I did know about different aliens, I knew this was the Doctor. His death date was his regeneration date. It had seemed dimmer, probably because he just regenerated not long ago, but at the same time it seemed this would be a short regeneration as his regeneration date has shown up. I made my way up to the man sitting on the bench, "Hello," I spoke, startling the man.

The Doctor POV

I had been brought here by the TARDIS for some reason, and I had decided it might be a good idea to take a walk. I found that it was the late nineties on Earth and I sat on the bench and enjoyed the quietness until "Hello," came a soft voice, startling me. I turned to see a woman who was about 5'6 with patch black hair that it almost blended in with their surroundings, pale skin, and green eyes that seemed to glow. She had a powerful aura to her and she was beautiful to be honest. "Are you okay?" she asked with a slight smirk, probably from me staring at her, I won't admit that I blushed.

"Just thinking," was all I said.

"Can I sit?" she motioned to the space next to me. I nodded hopefully not to fast. I didn't know why but I don't want her to leave. She sat down and that was when I had seen the big black dog that was behind her, who seemed to be staring at me, almost human like. "Padfoot," the woman warned and the dog whimpered before sitting on his stomach in front of the woman. I don't know why, but I just blurted out, "I had experienced a war, where I had to make a big decision that decided the lives of many people," I revealed. The woman had paused for a second which made me worry until she spoke, "I know what that's like," she said. My head jerked over to her and she said, "My parents were killed when I was a baby and the man tried to kill me and all that was over something that was fake, only to have learn about the man when I turned eleven as he was trying to kill me again and proceeded to do that until I was seventeen where I ended him, in a war. Many people close to me died. Including Teddy's parents, he's my godson who I'm raising," she added the last bit from my confused look, "His grandmother had been depressed after losing her husband, daughter, and son in law, that I took him, I didn't want him to be like me and not be loved as he grew up as I had lived with an abusive aunt and uncle," she explained. For some reason, I was madder then I should've been. That was when my TARDIS had reappeared in front of me; I stared in shock as I knew that was my ship and not some other Doctor's ship. The woman next to me just starred in fascination along with the dog. "So what is your name?" she asked me.

"I'm the Doctor,"

She smiled, "Hello Doctor, I'm Ivy Potter-Black," she introduced herself with a captivating smile that made me almost forget she didn't question my name. "Why aren't you questioning my name?"

"I know more things than you would think. I know what kind of alien you are, I know what happened, but I hope you can eventually tell me as I won't force you to," she revealed. The TARDIS doors then opened, I heard a humming from the ship, "Your ship wants me to come with," the woman said. "I'm telepathic too," she added. I was still a little disturbed on how much she knew but I also didn't want to be away from her. I was so confused! "I will explain on the ship, I don't know if anyone is listening, but I will explain if it will make you more comfortable," she looked like she didn't want to talk about it but she was right and I felt a little bad about forcing it out of her.

The Doctor and The Deathly Witch {DW/HP}Where stories live. Discover now