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The Doctor POV

Ivy had agreed to let Rose know, since I went ahead and told her about me, I brought Rose to one room, "Okay Ivy is letting this happen, but she's not explaining it neither am I. All I am going to say is you will learn about her background. She is a witch, an actual wand-waving, spell casting, potion making, witch. They have these portraits that can hold the magic of somebody who has passed, in this room is where the TARDIS has put two portraits she brought, that's why you see multiple empty ones, they can change their portrait, they will explain to you what happened and answer some of you questions," I said and we entered the room, where Death was still talking to the portraits.

"Hello Rose," Death said with a tilt of her head. Rose still looked very confused so Death decided to tell her. "So, these two portraits will tell you but I'm basically going to say that Ivy at some point became the Mistress of Death and had merged with Death basically becoming Death. Hi, I'm Death," she introduced herself. Rose's jaw dropped.

"So when Ivy has green eyes, she's Ivy, and when she has black eyes she's Death," I explained simply. "Okay," Rose simply said.

"So this painting is of Remus and Tonks, these are Teddy's actual parents. If Teddy mentions the name Mama, he means Tonks, and Papa or Moony is Remus. This is Ivy's parents, James and Lily, James also may be sometimes referred to as Prongs," I informed her and pulled Death out, "Good luck!" she said as I dragged her down to the med bay to check her hands.

Rose POV

So the two portraits explained the basics on wizards and Ivy's background, now I could see what the Doctor meant by she's been through a lot. "What's with the nicknames?" I asked. "Okay long story short, Remus is a werewolf, Moony refers to his a wolf, our friend Sirius, who is Ivy's godfather, and I became animagi, it's when a magical person can shift into an animal form. I would change into a stag and would be named Prongs while Sirius was a big black dog named Padfoot," James smirked and I looked down at a big black dog that I knew was named Padfoot who showed his teeth, probably smiling. "Wait you said Sirius is Ivy's godfather not was and," I pointed down to the dog. "Yes so the story about that goes. Ivy had a familiar named Hedwig, who was a snowy white owl, before the war happened Hedwig died by the Killing Curse so it wouldn't hit Ivy. Since Ivy merged with Death, giving her more power, Death had given her another familiar, it managed to find Sirius who's soul had gotten lost, recreated his body or more specifically his animagus body, and he became Ivy's new familiar," Remus explained. "So this is Sirius," I said.

"Yes, but he would be more referred to and respond to as Padfoot. He really only gets called Sirius if he's in trouble now," Tonks said. "Okay, what about changing hair color?"

"Okay one of the pureblood lines, the House of Black, which my mother was Andromeda Black, James' mother was Dorea Black, and Sirius is Sirius Black, had a trait known as a metamorphmagus. They had the ability to change their hair based off their emotions, Teddy and Ivy pretty much have the same except Ivy's happy color is purple and Teddy's is turquoise. The trait had disappeared because of too much inbreeding, until new blood was added in. My mother married a muggleborn and so did James, so Ivy and I both activated the trait," Tonks explained.

"Is Teddy a werewolf?" I asked.

"No he's not, he just prefers rarer meat and gets very crabby whenever the TARDIS lands on a full moon," Remus explained. "Honestly, slightly off topic, I'm surprised Padfoot hasn't tried 'flirting' with you the best a dog can, he's had a thing for blondes," the loud whine from the dog next to me made us all laugh.

After I had finished talking to the four wizards, I found Ivy in her room. She looked up at me and I knew it was Ivy again. "Thanks for letting me know about you," I said.

"Well the Doctor let you know about him, I thought it wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you about me," she said.

"Can I ask why you were hesitant with me other than the trust issues?" I asked. She patted the bed next to her and I sat down next to her. "Did they tell you about Ron and Hermione?"

"The two using you for fame?" I guessed.

She nodded, "You reminded me a lot of Hermione. When you started questioning everything, demanding you needed to know and be involved. Yelling at the Doctor when he wouldn't tell you about himself. It made you seem like you were superior to us and needed to know. We both don't like that, we know what we're doing and don't like being demanded or constantly questioned by people who are clueless about the situation. I mean it's okay to ask questions but unnecessary ones when your kinda used to it. Today was okay, but not when you demanded to know about us. We had decided to give you a chance to see how you would take traveling with us and you did do well," she explained. Okay, I could understand being harsh, now I felt a little bad about reminding her of someone who betrayed her.

"Now Mickey is a whooole other story. He reminded me of my muggle relatives," she said. My eyes widened in shock, I was told about the Dursleys, and how James and Lily wished they could've haunted there asses. "When humans don't understand something, they act violently, him calling us things didn't sit well with me, it was just as bad as being called freaks. He doesn't understand there are good people who have feelings, but he did make us feel like freaks," she explained and I saw her eyes grow sad. I did a big move, I hugged her. She hugged back and we smiled at each other, "So what else can you do, they said you could do something else," I asked.

She smiled, "Ah they are probably talking about parseltongue. It's the ability to speak to snakes," I looked at her in shock, "It was from the Slytherin Line, when the Dark Lord who was from that line, had killed my mother, he indirectly made me connected with him which everyone thought was what originally gave me the ability, but actually it was from my mother. Muggleborns are actually descendants of squibs. Squibs are magical beings that had dormant magic, they usually left for the muggle world. Eventually somewhere down the Line, somebody's magic manifests, it did with my mother who I found was from the Slytherin Line, she just wasn't able to use the ability because something wasn't rig t for her activate it. When her magic and my dad's magic combined with me, I gained the ability. The mix of the new Slytherin blood and the old blood from the Potter Line, which also coincidently happened to be descended from Gryffindor, another Hogwarts Founder like Slytherin, made the trait show up with me along with metamorphmagus," she explained.

"Wow," was all I said. She smiled, "Yes just be warned, if I'm mad enough, my words my start slipping into parseltongue as ccccertain wordssss exxxxxtend like I'm doing now," she explained.


Later, after Rose left, I was laying down on my bed and was hit with flashbacks from the war and grew depressed, I got out of bed and found that the TARDIS moved the Doctor's door right in front of mine, I knocked and opened the door to see the Doctor also in bed but wide awake with eyes of sadness. He opened his arms and I sped over into them and he pulled me under the covers. "I wonder if the skin that made up Cassandra was from her ass," I said randomly in the quiet. The Doctor had busted out laughing making me feel better, I didn't like seeing him sad. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the rhythm of his hearts beating and fell asleep.

The Doctor and The Deathly Witch {DW/HP}Where stories live. Discover now