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Third POV

Some time had passed for the immortal couple. The twins now had their birthday so they were both three now. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on the situation, that also meant there accidental magic was becoming more active. Eilam took after his mother and would unintentionally apparate to other sides of the TARDIS. He would get upset about it when it happened. The first time it had happened, he had been in the kitchen with his dad, he was tired, apparently Time Tot's were very energetic but also needed rest quite a bit still. The next thing Eilam knew, he was in a different hallway and out of the kitchen. He looked around and panicked, he didn't where in the TARDIS he was. 'Hello, little Tot, your mom is coming to find you,' he heard in his head. 'Idris?' he asked, his dad told him about the TARDIS being able to communicate with them and her name being Idris. 'Yes little Tot, your dad informed your mother that you suddenly disappeared and I showed where you are, she'll be there in exactly a minute,' Idris told him, calmly. Being the son of a Time Lord and Time itself, he could know exactly how much time had passed so he had a mental timer going off in his head. Once he hit zero seconds he heard the heels of boots, sounding like his mom's coming around the corner. "Mommy!" he cheered and cried at the same time, running into his mom's arms as he started sobbing. "Oh, it's alright, Eil," Ivy said as she held her sobbing son. "You gave your dad a little bit of a fright," she said, while stroking Eilam's messy black hair. Yes, both twins inherited the Potter hair. "I sorry, I was tired and then I was not in the kitchen no more," Eilam tried to explain.

"Sweetheart it was just your accidental magic, apparently you take after me and decided to apparate," Ivy said. Eilam looked up at his mom, curious, he and his sister had been told about accidental magic, especially after Teddy managed to summon chocolate on his own, but his mom never really talked about hers. He knows he shown accidental magic before but he didn't really remember what he did. "One time I was trying to escape a muggle teacher and my muggle cousin, and suddenly I was on top of the school," she said, "Almost gave the teacher a heart attack," she added with a satisfied smirk making her son giggle.

'You also took after giving your dad a heart attack by apparating, you did it as a one year old too,' Padfoot added from her side. He had arrived with Ivy too. "Uh-huh, wasn't fun especially when you apparated under the cloak," James said in the nearby portrait. Eilam giggled again, "It must be a Potter thing, because apparently I even did that as a child," James added. 'Was that why there were old anti-apparition wards inside the house?' Padfoot asked.

"Yeah cause I kept doing it," James answered. Ivy stood up with Eilam in her arms, he was drifting off to sleep in her arms feeling better about his sudden apparating knowing his mom and grandpa had done the same thing as children.

Elysium had heard about the prank that her Uncle Loki and mom pulled on her dad about changing his hair color and thought it was so funny she unintentionally made her dad's hair bright pink. She was sorry for it, when she saw the bright pink color, but saw her mother's face go red with laughter, she had heard her laugh out, "Both twins take after me accidental magic wise."

The Doctor looked confused and Ivy said, "Dear, go look at your hair," The Doctor had pulled out a mirror that he had in his pocket and looked at his new bright pink hair. "I turned my teacher's hair blue accidently," he heard Ivy tell their daughter, making her giggle. Ivy changed his hair back to its normal brown color.

They were talking to Martha about her newest date with Mickey, the Doctor and Ivy were a bit tensed from the newest vision Luna had. Luna had a vision during one of the meal times that just consisted of the royal family when she dropped her drink in shock as her newest vision hit. "We can't visit them yet, where they're going might kill you or put you into a coma," she told Loki as she pulled out her phone and excused herself. "Ivy, I can't tell you much of course, but you need to drop Teddy, Padfoot, Eilam, and Elysium off here along with the portraits," she told Ivy as soon as she picked up the phone. The TARDIS had been allowed to land in the castle, given permission by Odin, so when they landed there, the eight year old and the three year old twins, holding their grandparents/parents portraits with Padfoot behind them. Ivy had stepped out to as Luna came forward and whispered, "Your protection will keep him safe, he will be ill afterwards so come back here immediately," Luna told her and let them leave. Luna turned back to Loki, "Do NOT touch the Doctor when they come back," she urged him. "Is something going to happen to Dad?" Teddy asked, the twins looking a bit worried at his side, their grandparents looking concerned. Luna's silence gave them an answer.

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