Interlude--Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned

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Ivy carried Eilam who was starting to snooze on her shoulder and the Doctor carried an already asleep Elysium to their rooms. The two put the twins in their beds kissing them on the forehead. Eilam cuddled up to his stuffed Prongs while Elysium cuddled up to her stuffed Wolfie. The two parents switched rooms so they could say goodnight to the other twin before stepping out of the room hearing a small 'thump'. Tonks let out a sympathetic snort as she looked down at her son who didn't quite make it to his room.

'Moony's done that before,' Padfoot tiredly commented.

"Shut. Up." Remus replied, also arriving and seeing the state of his son.

The rooms shifted on the other side of the hall and the Doctor and Ivy's room appeared on the other side, "Go and get some sleep, I'll put him to bed," the Doctor softly spoke to his wife. She didn't argue, she just turned and went straight into the room, not bothering to shut the door as she plopped down onto the bed. The Doctor picked up the boy and put him in his bed where he had grabbed his stuffed Moony. Tonk's hair had turned pink in adoration.

The Doctor didn't quite go to bed though, he went back to the console room, the four in the portrait along with a tired dog following him. "What are you doing?" James asked.

"Would you still be able to fly brooms?" was the Doctor's responding question.

"Yeah," James answered.

"Okay," the Doctor responds, driving the TARDIS.

When the TARDIS landed silently, he actually turned the brakes off, he opened the door and was faced with a House Elf. "Is another version of me here?"

"No Lord Doctor, you and Lady Ivy were timing out the days to appear for the little Lords and Lady's schooling," the Elf responded. The Elves had been asked not to call them Master and Mistress because of Harold and Ivy gets called Mistress enough. So, now everybody is Lord and Lady. Apparently Harold had also met a House Elf and was declared Master Master before being corrected to be called Master Harold.

"Ah, okay. Am I near the Lord and Ladies room, or the Heir rooms?"

"Lords and Lady's," the elf responded.

"Okay, hang on," he said walking back into the TARDIS, walking back out with Teddy and heading towards the room declared 'Heir Black,' and laying the boy in the bed, making sure he still had a hold on his stuffed Moony. "Can you change the children into their pajamas?" he asked the elf who nodded excitedly and snapped her fingers, Teddy changing into his pajamas. The Doctor had went back into the TARDIS and came back out carrying Eilam, who still had his stuffed Prongs and placed him in the Heir Potter room, the Elf changing his clothes. He repeated the process again with Elysium who, like her brothers, was still clutching a stuffed animal, in her case it was Wolfie. She was placed in the Heiress Peverell room and ha her clothes changed. As he went back into the TARDIS to retrieve his wife, he passed by the still empty Heir Gryffindor room. He didn't know why it was there, he knew the House was a bit sentient because of the old Potter magic. The Manor had made its own Heir rooms based off what Lordship his children would receive. Teddy had been given the Black Lordship being Ivy's blood adopted son, as she was blood adopted by the previous Lord Black, and the fact her grandmother was Dorea Black who was walking around in the portraits somewhere. When they gave the twins the Inheritance Tests, Eilam had gained the Potter Lordship while Elysium was given the Peverell one. Now that he thought about it, naming Eilam after James, a previous Lord Potter might of coincidental; naming Elysium after a flower that also was a place in the afterlife also could be coincidental. But why was there a Heir Gryffindor room? The Doctor also swore he saw a Heir Slytherin room too.

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