The Idiot's Lantern

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The Doctor POV

"I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the ,grr, chest hair," Rose spoke as she walked out with us behind her. Susan and Jack had shown up because Jack got injured and it was taking him a while to heal. So Susan came with while Jack stayed behind. I had done my hair to fit the era and walked out and saw Ivy give me an impressed look, "You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist. What's more, you see him in style," I said and pulled out two scooters. Susan didn't look happy knowing she would be riding with Rose, but tough luck for her.

"Where we off to?" Rose asked.

"Ed Sullivan TV studios. Elvis did Hound dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it," I said.

"New York?" Susan questioned.

"That's the one," I said.

"Weeeeellllll," Ivy said in a high pitched tone. 'Oh no,' I thought.

"Ha! Digging that New York vibe," Rose said as we all spotted the Union Flag everywhere.

"Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me. Sort of Londony New York, ok, don't bother, got it," I said at the end seeing Ivy's amused look.

"What are all the flags for?" Rose questioned.

"1953, Queen Elizabeth's coronation," Ivy said. We then were introduced to Magpie who revealed the same thing, but then we saw somebody getting taken away with a blanket over his head while a woman was begging them not to take the man. A kid came out to help, revealing it might be the woman's husband and we were trying to chase after but Ivy urged Rose and I to chase it.


"Mom do you know something?" Susan asked.

"I heard that something is taking faces and burning them off, not killing them, just stealing their faces, thankfully not pulling a Leatherface. The thing is, I'm pretty sure something was calling through the TV, I saw a face. Magpie is definitely involved though, and Rose is in trouble," I said.

"What do you mean only Rose is in trouble?"

"Well, when you think about it, if somebody knows we're after them, they attack. Now you, me, and your dad have different faces. Yours would go the quickest cause you're still a bit young and only have had two faces, but the Doctor's got technically eleven, actually technically more if it counts past lives, and I'm just old," I explained as we found the Doctor and Rose who couldn't chase after the people.

We walked up to a door, and a man I knew I was not going to like because he gave me the Vernon vibes answered the door, "Hi!" the four of us said.

"Who are you, then?"

"Let's see, then. Judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war, therefore I represent Queen and country," the Doctor went on, holding a strained smile, probably sensing my bit of distress. He held up his psychic paper, "Just doing a little check of Her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if I come in? Nah, I didn't think you did. Thank you," we all walked in, "Not bad. Very nice. Very well kept. I'd like to congratulate you, Mrs?" he aimed towards the woman, "Connolly."

"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife, she rattles a bit," the man, Eddie said.

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