The Shakespeare Code

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The Doctor POV

I woke up, with a very bad headache, arms wrapped around Ivy whose chest I was laying on. I know the Other came forward last night, he did on occasion, I just don't like the feeling of being pushed to the back of my own head. Ivy started moving and must've felt me tense, or the pain in my head because out of the corner of my eye, I saw a vial floating towards the bed. My head was moved up and the potion went down my throat. MY headache started disappearing, "Better?" Ivy whispered as I started moving more. I nodded and moved over so she could move, "How about you pick where we go?" she suggested.

"Maybe time travel so Martha doesn't freak out as much," I whispered, the potion still taking affect. I was glad Ivy managed to find a headache reliever that helped when the situation came. "Mommy, is Daddy okay?" I heard Elysium's voice through the door. Ivy got out and made her way to the door where, of course, Eilam was there too. "Daddy's recovering form a bad headache, you two need to be on your best behavior, okay?" the twins made noises of agreement, "Now, how about you go find Teddy and wake up Martha? Her adventure is today," Ivy suggested calmly and I could hear the twins run away chanting, "Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy!" down the hall. By now I was standing up and getting ready, remembering Jack and Susan were also there, I briefly remembered seeing Susan.

I exited the room and saw Martha talking with Susan and Jack, asking more questions, and I felt to weights on my legs. I looked down and saw the twins on my legs, "Hi, Daddy," they said a bit quieter.

"Hello you two, wanna go back time?" I said a bit louder to the others.

"But how do you travel in time? What makes it go?" Martha questioned.

"Oh, let's take the fun and mystery out of everything. Martha, you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight," I said and drove the TARDIS.

Martha fell over once the TARDIS stopped, "Blimey. Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?" Martha asked.

Susan burst out laughing, and I quickly countered, "Yes, and I failed it."

"He also did say to hang on," Teddy sassed.

"Anywya, time to make the most of it. I promised you one trip, and one trip only. Outside the door, brave new world," I said. I think Martha was a bit embarrassed tha tevne the two year olds and a dog kept on their feet and not her. We were really giving her a trial run to see how she acted today.

"Where are we?" Martha asked.

"Take a look. After you," I said following Ivy's comment to the twins and Teddy, "Glamours on," she said.

Martha looked back confused, "It's a bit unusual to see white haired children and young white haired woman. Teddy could be attacked his hair color changes," Jack told her. There was a brief growl from both Remus and Ivy, eyes flashing gold and amber. Martha nodded in understanding, sort of, and walked out and into the past, where she understood now, but she was now in shock, "Oh, you are kidding me. You are so kidding me. Oh, my God, we did it. We travelled in time. Where are we? No, sorry. I got to get used to this whole new language. When are we?" Martha said as she was looking around, not believing she was where she thought she was. I just so happened to be looking up when someone was about to dump a slop bucket, "Mind out," I said and pulled her back.

"Well, we're somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that," I said, hearing the kids all gag from the smell. I felt a little sorry for Teddy, Padfoot, and Ivy's stronger senses.

Martha shrugged, "I've seen worse. I've worked the late night shift at A+E. but are we safe? I mean, can we move around and stuff?" Martha asked.

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