The Aftermath of the Unquiet Dead

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Rose POV

Well, Ivy had been hauled up in her room for a few days like the reaper had said. The TARDIS had been angry with the Doctor and wouldn't let him land, kept changing the room, would move the books around, would mess with the food. Padfoot, as Ivy's familiar had immediately known what happened and told the portraits. Teddy had been hanging around me, knowing the Doctor had some sort of responsibility to what happened to his mom. Ivy's door happened to be a portrait for James and Lily while Teddy's was for Remus and Tonks. James and Lily had not moved from the portrait, wanting their daughter to wake up and heal and refused for the Doctor to come in.

"Rose," I jumped and turned to find Lily in a portrait next to a screen that turned on to show Ivy sitting up in her room with Padfoot across her lap, "Mommy!" Teddy squealed looking at the woman staring at the camera. "Ivy's awake, she's still a little bit out of it, with some neck pain but she's awake. She wants to see you and Teddy. James got the pleasure of letting the Doctor know," she smirked at the end. "YOU'RE LUCKY I CAN'T COME OUT OF THIS PAINTING OR ELSE I WOULD KICK YOUR TIME LORD ASS SO FAR UP YOU WILL TASTE MY FUCKING SHOE!" I heard, Teddy and I both look wide eyed and I saw on the screen that Ivy had heard it to from the slight smirk I saw. "Yes, in the Wizarding World, the Blacks and the Potters have the bad tempers. James' mother was a Black as you've heard before so James and Ivy can be a bit scary," Lily explained. "Uh-huh," as I walked out the door to be met with Ivy's room and a red faced James, "Hi Rose!" he said cheerfully like he never shouted a few minutes ago and opened the door.

 "Uh-huh," as I walked out the door to be met with Ivy's room and a red faced James, "Hi Rose!" he said cheerfully like he never shouted a few minutes ago and opened the door

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Teddy squirmed in my arms and I let him down on Ivy's bed and he sped towards his mom. "Hi mummy," he said quietly. "Hi my baby," she said. Ivy looked up, "Hi Rose," she said.

"How're you doing?" I asked in a low voice, catching on to needing to keep quiet. "Mentally or physically?" she asked. "Can I ask both?"

"Well physically my neck hurts and I have a headache from checking if souls were in the right places. Mentally, dying never feels good in the first place because I go numb when I wake up. I also feel rather disrespected that he didn't listen to me, but I get it they made him remember the Time War and used his guilt against him," she said. Then she let out a quiet laugh, I looked at her in confusion, "I just thought of how much more scared the Doctor would have been if my dad knew parseltongue," I then let out a snort. "Yeah the argument you gave him was bit scary, I'll admit," I said in a joking tone and she smirked. "Let him in," she suddenly said.

I heard a groan from James and the door opened and it revealed a nervous Doctor who was holding something, "I'll leave you two to talk. Do you want me to take Teddy?" She nodded and hugged Teddy, and we left with Padfoot following behind.

The Doctor POV

I walked into Ivy's room and sat down, "I brought you a pain reliever," I held out the vial to her. She took it and swallowed it and a few minutes later she was talking a bit louder and moving her head more. "I take it you heard the conversation with Rose?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I'm so sorry I made you feel disrespected. I should've listened to you or else it wouldn't have turned out like this. I hate seeing you in pain or anything happening to you. I set up something for us to hopefully make it up to you," I said and she slipped her small hand into mine to help pull her up. She was still a little dizzy when she stood up and I walked us into the next room.

The TARDIS knew I was trying to make it up to Ivy so she let me land and quickly get some sweet and sour chicken, which Ivy loves, but of course she had to land on a full moon and Rose happened to be asleep so I had to deal with the cranky demon child otherwise known as Teddy when he ripped his clothes off and proceeded to rip his room apart. Remus and Tonks found it hilarious. The TARDIS had made a room that was dark, with flooring that was surrounded by pillows as we watched the galaxy and then watch movies. (Picture above)

Ivy lit up seeing the room, and the food, and we sat and watched the galaxy, just talking and then the movies started and we let Rose and Teddy join. We had a Disney marathon until Teddy got tired and him and Rose both went to bed. It then became a horror movie marathon, more specifically slasher movies. I made sure to put in Texas Chainsaw movies as that was Ivy's favorite.

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