The Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks

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Third POV

Martha had finally noticed Frank's shocked face, "What's wrong?"

"Well I just got told to be expecting about two hundred men to join Hooverville, they were people taken to the laboratory," Frank told her, shocking her.

Mickey and the Doctor found Loki and Ivy and laid Laszlo in front of them. "How are they doing?" the Doctor asked them referring to the mutated humans they took. Mickey looked surprised to see all of them. "Well we are taking turns, so if we get magical exhaustion, we're not spread out all over the place. Also because somebody else wants meet you," Ivy said. Two people came over, a man and a woman. The man was tall, and seemed to arguing with the cloak he had on, while the brunette woman looked amused. The Doctor could tell the woman was a witch from the wand she had in her hand. Ivy didn't want to take any risks when it came to messing with the humans' heads, so she told the other wand wielders to use the wands to mess with the memories and use Occlumency just to look in their heads.

"Doctor, this is Stephen Strange. I believe Martha would also like him because he is also a doctor. Yes, his cloak is sentient," Loki introduced the man, and answered the question he knew Martha was going to ask.

"And this is Pansy Parkinson, somebody I went to school with and became friends with afterward," Ivy said, introducing the woman who was inspecting the Doctor. "Well Barty was the best looking," she mumbled making Ivy snort. Pansy walked forward and yanked the Doctor down, "I'm sure you've been threatened before, you do have both of her father's on board your ship, but if you hurt her, like as in break her heart, I know she feels your pain, I will make insides become your outsides, and Loki and Luna will help me," Pansy said. Loki nodded behind her as him and Ivy got to work on Laszlo.

"Hey Doc," the Weasley Twins said. Wanda had been the first one to help, she had been better at controlling her magic but she wanted to go first to make sure she gets it right, so Loki and Stephen were helping her while explaining what they find to the wand wielders. Wanda had tired out, so Jack (who came along with Susan) carried her in to the TARDIS to a guest room.

"So how are they?" he asked, not bothering to comment about the nickname, he knew the two wouldn't listen.

"Well," Fred started. "They are acting like normal humans accept for,"

"The slightly grey color," George added.

"That's slightly gone away though," Fred said.

"But then there's the headaches," George said.

"The bouts of coldness," came from Fred.

"Sometimes mood swings," came from George.

"Curious about things," came from Fred.

"Oh, and then probably some nightmares," George added.

"But no urge to kill," they both said.

"Well, that's good," the Doctor said. Padfoot had come out the TARDIS; he had gone over to Ivy. Ivy had the ability to channel from Padfoot if she needed to, even though she doesn't like too. About an hour later, Stephen was about to pass out from exhaustion, which surprised some as he was used to staying awake for long periods of time, with low energy because of his past as a doctor. His cloak had carried the man into the TARDIS, much to his annoyance, and threw him on a bed.

Half of the men were done, Fred and George doing the most. They had the ability to feed off the other twin's magic so they had double the magic and it allowed them to help the humans quicker. Half an hour later, Pansy had slumped over and Mickey left to take her to a room. Loki and Ivy finally joined and they had small smiles on their faces, and then they started helping restore minds. Ivy had sent out her reapers on a little mission, if they weren't that busy at the moment.

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