The Pregnancy

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Third POV

After the events with Donna, the Doctor and Ivy kind of just took a break. Ivy over all already wonky magic. She could sneeze and something would explode, then she would cry and things would levitate, including her husband, until she calmed down. The TARDIS was parked in the Potter Ancestral Home and they informed the elves that the Doctor was not a Death Eater and to not be alarmed if their previous Master and Mistress is suddenly walking around.

They would alternate being in the TARDIS and being in the Manor and currently they were in the TARDIS, with Mickey, Loki, and Luna. Ivy was currently about to enter her second trimester and there was a noticeable look on her face, one Loki knows, it's one of mischief. "I'm in the mood for a mean prank or could just be revenge or final words or actions, however you want to put it," she said. Padfoot perked his head up, "As in mean prank does this mean pranking Snape or Bellatrix?" Luna asked, now catching the other Marauder's attention.

"I was thinking both, but what I'm planning depends on you two," Ivy said and turned around and pointed at her parents. "I remember in my sixth year before shit went down, Snape was looking at me in fear and guilt, and when Bellatrix again she was just mad. So I know that's when it happens. When I say it depends on you two, is that I found a house that on the inside looks rather similar to Godric's Hollow," she paused knowing her parents had gotten the idea. James is always up to prank Snape and if he could do it as a dead person, he's for it. Lily was for it, she actually for it, because she was pissed at what Snape did to her daughter, and she doesn't like Bellatrix. The two shared a look, "We'll be okay," James said.

"Okay, so I want Snape and Bellatrix there and they get confronted by you two looking like you did when died, I also want to have Sirius there looking like he just got out of Azkaban," Padfoot's head is now perked up. "And you know, why not throw in a Barty, he's dead by then," Ivy added, sensing her husband actually wanted in on it.

"But the thing is, I also want to have you two looking normal, but slightly deranged cause why not, and to have a Sirius right before he died, so you gotta be okay with it too," Ivy said looking down to black dog beside her. 'You said Bellatrix, Snape, and prank in the same sentence, I'm for it,' he said.

"So are you wanting to get Pietro and Nebula then? Does Sirius even have a doppelganger?" Remus asked. Ivy nodded, "He does have a doppelganger, but let's get Pietro and Nebula on board first," she said. The Doctor had landed in the Avengers building, and Ivy opened the door, "Good you both are here, Pietro, Nebula, you want to prank and scare the shit out of my potions professor and a bitch?" the two immediately walked in, "Wanda, you wanna watch?" Ivy asked seeing the hesitance in the girl and the other Maximoff walked in. "Can I?" Tony asked in excitement, even Bucky was next to him silently asking, "You both can come," she said.

"Sirius has a doppelganger?" Mickey asked as the TARDIS landed again on the location and date Ivy had told him, he had been told who they were getting and he was in shock. There was a knock on the door, Ivy motioned for Mickey to open the door, "HOLY SHIT!" Mickey screamed and shut the door. Outside the door was a smiling older looking man who seemed to have his hair shaped like a heart, it was just pulled back, but it looked like it. He also wore blood red robes and was standing what seemed to be a very dark place. That looked nothing like Sirius. "Are you gonna let him in?" Ivy said as the man knocked again. Now it was a slightly younger looking Sirius with longer hair wearing a grey suit and hat. Mickey looked confused, "Another Ivy told me to appear in my other form and it would be amusing when you appeared and it was," he said. Padfoot was looking at the doorway with wide eyes, hearing a voice similar to his.

Mickey let the man in, and Padfoot's jaw dropped, that most likely would have been what he looked like if he took his Lordship, "Mickey, everyone else, meet Count Dracula," Ivy introduced with a very, very, big smile on her face. "Pietro, don't even try to race him, he's faster," she added and Pietro pouted. "I take it the other me has explained what you were doing?" Ivy asked Dracula who nodded, "Dawn of Halloween 1997," Ivy told her husband.

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