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Carver Landry//Age 20//Wolf Name Hawk//Rank subordinate

"What do you mean they escaped?!"

"We're sorry sir, they slipped out the window while nobody was watching"

"How incompetent are you people?! Tell your alpha we'll be there tomorrow afternoon and are searching the area for them!"

"Yes sir...."

With that Maliki hung up the phone and slammed it onto the table, a stressful and annoyed groan leaving his lips. It had been two weeks since the three omegas escaped and as it turned out he'd been looking in the completely wrong direction this entire time, he'd thought that maybe they'd have done in the direction of their old pack as it was more familiar to them but no, they had to have gone in the completely opposite direction.

"Stupid fucking omega, you're more trouble than you're worth damnit...."

-He's our mate Maliki, you can't keep living in denial over this!-

'I can and I will, the moment he is back I'm going to formally reject him and send him and his damned brother to the basement with the other omegas!'

-You're a fool for even considering doing something like that, he did nothing to deserve this treatment!-

Maliki growled and punched the brick wall beside him in anger, he hated the omega that was always stuck in his head and he hated the fact that he could feel how happy the omega suddenly was now, and to find out he started feeling happy around the time another pack called saying they'd found him, his brother, and his friend. Even now he could feel how happy the omega was and the safety he was feeling, he knew that man on the phone had to have been lying when he said they had escaped, there was no way in hell that damned omega of his was feeling this way out in the wilderness always on guard like before.

"Stupid little shit thinks that just because someone took him in he's safe from me, I'll drag him out of there by his hair if I have to...."

A flash of curly brown hair caught his attention as his eyes snapped to the other omega they had brought. She was smiling and in her mate's arms as his Beta looked down at her in pure love, it made him sick. She had been so panicked when her friends disappeared but slowly accepted it and seemed like she had even expected it in the beginning, he knew she had to have had a part in there escape but he had no proof and now way of even saying anything negative to her without her mate protecting her and always ready to fight him over her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing love, just some work stuff that has me stressed...."

"Hmm, well maybe I could help with some of that stress~"

Maliki smirked at the brunette before pulling her close and instantly going straight for her neck, leaving small kisses and small bites not deep enough to break through the skin.

"You have no idea how much I love you baby girl...."

"I love you too my sweet and charming alpha~"

-Oh for fucks sake!-

"Alpha we have a problem!"

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"Alpha we have a problem!"

"Hm? What's wrong, did something happen? Are the new omegas okay?"

"Their alpha didn't sound like he believed we'd actually lost them and said he would be here tomorrow afternoon to search for them!"

"Ah this is quite problematic...."

-I don't think they're technically his though, if they were actually part of his pack he would have been able to use the pack mind link to find them all this time-

'Therefor he has no power over them and cannot forcefully take them from us if they do not want to go....'

"I have a plan, but for now I feel that those three should get a good night's sleep after eating and showering, we shouldn't stress them out after what they've been through"

"Yes alpha!"

Kanji nodded and the subordinate wolf walked off leaving the alpha to sigh in annoyance, this other alpha was really starting to get on his nerves.

-If he tries to take them by force then we fight, especially for that Dimitri boy-

'Right, we told him he would be safe here and we intend to keep our word....'

Kanji couldn't help but walk towards the room the three omegas were sleeping in and slightly crack open the door to make sure they were all still there and safe, and sure enough all three were curled up on the bed together with the toddler between then sleeping peacefully.

'Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow'

-We will make sure of it-

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