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Maliki Reeds//age 21//wolf name Scourge//Rank alpha


"Go away, Dimitri!"

"Mama, please, you're scaring me and Jamie!"

"I said go away!"

     Dimitri jumped and held the crying toddler close it had been eight years since Dimitri met Maliki, and a lot had happened over that time. 4 years ago his mother had been raped by a rouge wolf while in heat and had his half brother Jamison, he’d spent another 6 years of watching his mother slowly crumble into the woman she was today since the horrible event. He wasn't stupid. He saw the scars on her arms and legs made by silver and saw the medications she tried to hide from him. He had become Jamison's caretaker since his mother hated him, calling him the spawn of evil. He tried to hate the child at first, too, but found that he just couldn't hate his own blood even if it was halved. The bullies were worse since Maliki left and never came back. He got into fist fights over other packmates talking bad about his mother and brother. Their words made his blood boil, and as the years went on, his self-control dwindled. Hassley and James were still by his side and his best and only friends. They helped to take care of Jamison and were there to keep Dimitri in check. He was swift for an omega, and when overcome by rage, they feared he would kill a subordinate ranked wolf. Now he was 19 and worried for his mother as she sobbed in the bathroom, it was the scent of blood that made him put Jamison in his bedroom and slam his foot into the bathroom door to reveal his mother with a silver knife plunged into her stomach.


"I thought I'd find you out here, Dimitri."


"Jamison misses you, he's been asking about you all day...."

     The brown wolf looked up from the grave he had dug himself, located in his mother's favorite field of flowers by the pond that he had swam in as a child, his eyes full of grief and anger. He had barely eaten, and he had just laid there for a week now. He didn't want to leave his mother's side even after death, she was the one who raised him when his father died before he was born and even after her fall mentally, she was still his mother. All the memories of her plagued his mind, ranging from her laugh to her empty dead eyes as she lay on the bathroom floor, a puddle of her own blood forming around her. tears formed in his eyes as he shifted back and accepted the bundle of clothes that James handed to him and slowly dressed himself, the ravenette pulling him into a hug afterward.

"Come on buddy, let's go home...."

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