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     It wasn't long before Malaki's presence was directly over him and he could feel the man's confusion and frustration, Kanji must have done a good job hiding the trap door and all of their scents. He tried his best to control his nerves but he could feel his heart beat picking up the closer they got to the trap door.

-We will fight with all of our might to keep James and Jamison safe....-

     Dimitri nodded and sighed, he probably wasn't going to make it out of this alive and he knew that, but he had to protect his baby brother and James at all costs. It was then that he could feel a burst of satisfaction coming from Maliki and hear the hatch open only to hear it slam shut and feel his anger and confusion, Kanji must have attacked him.

-We need to help him!-

'I know, but who will protect James and Jamison if we leave the bunker?'

-Dimitri he could die!-

     Dimitri growled but understood what he had to do, Kanji had done so much for them and there was no way he could let him fight Malaki alone. He slowly and quietly opened the hatch before closing it behind him and climbing up the ladder, his head popping up through the trap door slowly and only a little to get a run down of the situation. A gray wolf that smelt like Kanji was indeed fighting with Malaki who had shifted as well, although Kanji was fast and relentless Malaki was still bigger and fiercer. It wasn't long before Malaki had Kanji on the ground about to sink his teeth into his throat, until he spotted Dimitri and faltered giving Kanji a chance to kick him off.
     Before he could shift after climbing out through the hatch Dimitri was grabbed from behind and restrained with his mouth covered.

"Miss me omega~?"

-Dimitri it's that subordinate wolf Carver!-

'Fucking damnit, we cannot shift if we are retrained!'

     Dimitri tried to break out of the other man's grip but failed and the grip Carver had on him only tightened.

"Struggle all you want omega, but in the end we both know you're too weak in your human form to fight me back. You're even too weak to help your little alpha friend and now you're going to watch him die~!"

'Kanji I'm sorry, you're only in this mess because of me....'

-It isn't your fault Dimitri, he knew the risks of helping but chose to anyways....-

     Tears began to prick Dimitri's eyes as Malaki pinned down Kanji once more and had his jaws around Kanji's throat but watched as the black wolf paused and simply growled at the other alpha before looking over to him before shifting back and walking up to the duo without caring about the fact he was naked.

"You have 5 minutes to grab your little friend and brother omega, after that I'm dragging you back to the pack house and you'll be lucky if you're ever allowed to step foot out of it or go anywhere unsupervised ever again. Release him now Carver but be on guard in case he tries anything...."

     Dimitri looked to Kanji who was looking to the ground defeated and ashamed, he wish he could comfort him but he knew he couldn't risk pissing off Malaki more or else he might actually kill Kanji just to force him to obey.

-Are we really going to just listen without even trying to put up a fight?-

'For Kanji's safety yes, who knows what this monster will do if we don't listen....'

     As soon as Carver released him he reluctantly walked over to the hatch and made his inside to retrieve James and his little brother.

'James is not going to be one bit happy about this....'

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