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Dimitri Greenway//age 19//wolf name Artemis//Rank omega


"Mama, nobody wants to be my friend...."

"I'm your friend, baby boy,"

"It's not the saaaaame!"

"How so?"

"You're older and bigger! You're also my mama!"

     The woman tilted her head and smiled before tickling the four-year-old boy that laughed loudly.

"If you wash up, we can make cookies,"

"Yay, cookies!"

"Dimitri, it's time to clean up, sweetie."

"But mama, I'm tired. Why can't they clean up after themselves?"

"Because it is the omega's job to do the chores around the pack house."

"That's so stupid. They should be smart enough to pick up after themselves!"

"James and Hassley will be there~"

     In an instant, the eleven-year-old was up with a smile on his face, Hassley and James were both omegas and his only friends. As the mother and son made their way to the pack house a man and woman suddenly appeared with a child who looked a bit older than him between them, the woman looked at Dimitri and his mother in disgust while the man gave them a warm smile.

"Hello there, are you one of the pack omegas?"

"Yes, alpha, my name is Rosalie Greenway, and this is my son Dimitri Greenway. Are you and your family on your way to the Lunar Eclipse pack house?"

"Why yes, we are, but it would seem we are a bit lost. Could you show us the way?"

"Of course, alpha!"

     The little boy starred at Dimitri curiously and tilted his head while his mother led the three and himself to the pack house. On the way there, the woman kept her harsh glare while the man conversed with his mother cheerily. It made Dimitri happy that this alpha was so nice.

"Here we are, Alpha Stone's office is on the second floor at the end of the left hall on the right"

"Thank you kindly, Rosalie!"

     Rosalie bowed her head respectfully as the family passed by until the young boy paused.

"Father, mother, may I play with Dimitri?"

"Of course!"

"Definitely not!"

     The man narrowed his eyes at his mate before looking at the young boy.

"You may Maliki"

"Thank you, Father!"

     Dimitri looked up to his mother conflicted. She had said she needed him, but he also couldn't ignore an alpha's orders.

"Go ahead, baby boy, I'll be okay."

     Dimitri nodded before turning to the young boy.

"What would you wish to do, Mr. Maliki?"

"Do you have a playground?"

"Yes, sir."

"I would like to play there,"

"Right this way."

     Dimitri took one last look at his mother before leading the way to the playground that was nearby. There were children already there, and as one child spotted Dimitri, he snickered and shouted loudly .

"The bastard omega is here!"

"Go away, you stupid omega! Didn't we tell you this is our playground?"

"Yeah, are you too stupid to understand us or something?"

"Go away, we don't want you here!"

"Go drown in the river like your pathetic father!"

     Dimitri's hands balled into fists as he bit his tongue and looked to the ground while Maliki looked to the other children and the younger boy in astonishment before stepping in front of him.

"This omega is my friend, and I asked him to escort me here, I am the son of Alpha and Luna Reeds and the future alpha of the Snowy Mountain's pack!"

     The other kids looked to the young alpha in shock before they began swarming Maliki and shoving Dimitri away. Dimitri couldn't help but sigh and climb up a tree at the edge of the playground and just wait for Maliki to be done so he could escort him back to the pack house. This was just how it would always be as an omega. It didn't matter if someone tried to stick up for you because at the end of the day, he was still an omega.

"Dimitri, there you are!"


"James? Hassley? What are you guys doing here?"

"Our parents told us we could come play with you!"

"Where is the alpha kid? Did he just leave you here?"

"He's -"

"Right here, and you two are?"

"Where did you come from?!"

     James jumped and looked ready to fight while Hassley smiled and put a hand on her jumpy friend's shoulder.

"We're his best friends!"

     James never liked submitting to others. He had an alpha attitude but was the son of two omegas. Hassley was a confident omega but knew when to speak up or shut up. Maliki and James were staring each other down while the other kids watched them, and both Hassley and Dimitri sighed knowingly.

"Guys, let's go to the field!"

"Sounds good Hassley, come on, Dimitri!"

     James helped Dimitri out of the tree before taking his hand and running, leaving Hassley to roll her eyes and turn to Maliki apologetically.

"I'm sorry James stole Dimitri from you. Do you want to come play with us?"

"Yes, please...."

"Okay, follow me!"

     Taking his hand, she pulled him along with her after the two omega boys. It was nice to meet someone who wasn't rude to them. Maybe he would come back to play with them again sometime after today.

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