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Liam Riggs//age 20//wolf name Sol//Rank Delta

     The car ride was tense and awkward as the toddler glared at the alpha from a car seat and Dimitri tried to ignore the alpha's gaze that never left him. Hassley and James looked between eachother worridly, Hassley sitting beside her mate and James sitting beside Dimitri. Nobody spoke until Jamison finally opened his mouth.

"Dimi I'm hungry!"

"Hold on buddy I packed you some snacks just in case"

"No eating in the car...."

     Dimitri glared at the alpha and looked him straight in the eyes as he handed the little boy a Go Go Squeeze apple sauce, the alpha glaring back and reaching out to try and take it but Dimitri was faster and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Don't touch my brother or his food, he hasn't eaten this whole time and missed lunch because you refused to stop anywhere unless it was to use the bathroom...!"

"I said no eating in the car and I meant it omega!"

"Yeah and I meant it when I said not to touch my brother and his food!"

     The two glared at eachother while the adult passengers sat awkwardly and Jamison continued eating his apple sauce.

"Driver stop the car!"

     The car pulled over to the side of the road and Malaki yanked his hand away and opened the door.

"You're walking, take your brother and get the fuck out"


"No you can't do that!"

"Alpha it's snowing and the child is only two!"

"Not to mention it'll still take us the rest of the day to get to the pack house!"

"You ass!"

     Dimitri looked horrified as he looked out the window and to the two year old who was only in a sweater and jeans.

-He isn't serious right?!-

'I don't know Artimis....'

"You can't be serious!"

"I very much am, get out or I'll drag you both out!"

     The omega gritted his teeth and unbuckled Jamison and himself before taking off his hoodie and wrapping it around the child snuggly, leaving him in only a t-shirt and jeans, while the others protested.

"Dimi what's going on?"

"We're going to be walking there okay buddy? Stay in my hoodie okay? It'll keep you nice and warm until we get there"

"Okay Dimi!"

"If he's walking then I am!"

"Me too!"

"No you two won't sit back down!"

"We'll be okay guys, I'll keep Jamie nice and warm and meet you at their pack house"

"What about you? You'll freeze yourself without protection from the cold!"

-She has a point Dimitri-

'I know, but there isn't much we can do Artimis!'

"Don't worry about me, just stay safe okay?"

     Hassley looked hesitant but James wasn't having any of it, but the moment he started to unbuckle Malaki slammed the door closed and the car sped off leaving Dimitri to watch the car retreat and hold his brother close.

"Dimi are we almost there?"

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"Dimi are we almost there?"

"Yeah buddy don't worry...."

     Dimitri had been walking for eight hours now only stopping for bathroom breaks along the way, he knew he had at least two hours of walking left still but his body was getting numer every minutes he spent in the snow. Jamison was safe and warm in Dimitri's hoodie thankfully and getting his brother to saftey was his main priority and his sole motivation as he trekked on through the snow.

"I'm sleepy...."

"Take a nap buddy, it's past your bedtime anyhow"

"Okay Dimi...!"

     Dimitri smiled down at the young boy whole snuggled into his chest and soon enough dozed off, the sight made his heart melt. The sun had already set leaving the duo in darkness, Dimitri's only light source being the light of the moon that made the snow beneath him sparkle like diamonds, something that he loved and admired.

'I hope James and Hassley are safe....'

-They are don't worry, just focus on getting the pup to saftey, he is our main priority!-

'You are right about that Artimis'

     A chilly breeze blew through the air and seemed to sink into the omega's skin that felt like it was encased in a layer of ice, it had gotten colder as the sun set and the wind had picked up, leaving the omega slightly staggering and he continued following the car tracks.

'I have to keep going, if I stop now I feel like I'll collapse....'

-we're so close Dimitri, just a bit farther!-

     Dimitri nodded and his eyes shone with determination, if worst cam to worst Artimis would take full control and make sure Jamison got to saftey if he couldn't.

-Damn straight!-

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