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Rosalie Johnson//age 20//wolf name Briar//Rank Subordinate

"You're leaving the pack to become a rouge?!"

"Shh not so loud!"

"Dimitri think about this, if you go rouge you and Jamison will be in constant danger! You're safer here than out there!"

An image of the subordinate wolf that interrogated him popped into Dimitri's mind and he shook his head.

"Without a mate and with the rank of an omega I won't be, this pack is worse than our last. Jamison and I are better off out there than here, but you two will be safe here and have a shot at happiness with your mates. Nothing you say or do is going to change my mind and you know it"

"Dimitri what happened to you for you to make this decision?"

Dimitri pause and looked between his friends hesitantly before sighing, there was no use in lying.

"The wolf that interrogated me said that because I was below him and mateless it meant he could do whatever he wanted to me and not get into any trouble. He was just about to kiss me when Malaki showed up and took me from that building and was bringing me here, but along the way a girl showed up and turned out to be his girlfriend...."

"That son of a bitch!"

"How could someone do something like that?!"

The duo was shushed again before the two looked to eachother and nodded.

"We'll help you pack up and by you time to escape with Jamison"

"Thank you, both of you...."

James was silent as he starred at the floor while Hassley smiled and nodded before the trio gotnto work.

"Dimitri wait I'm going with you!"

"James? No James you can't!"

"Look Dimi you won't be able to change my mind and you know it, besides, someone has to watch Jamison while another hunts down food"


Dimitri sighed in defeat before smiling and nodding to his friend, he was right and there was nothing he could do.

"We need to go, on the rare chance he's paying attention he'll notice my presence getting more and more distant as well as my scent...."

James nodded and took Dimitri's hand and kissing the sleeping Jamison's forehead before taking the lead in their trip out of the pack territory.

-This is for the best, James wouldn't have been happy us and you knew it deep down-

'Yeah, I just hope Hassley doesn't take discovering his absence too hard....'

"He's angry...."


"Malaki is angry, I can feel it with the mate bond"

"Probably pissy you outsmarted him and escaped, with your brother and me no less"

"Yeah, although that means we need to move again, the closer he gets the stronger my scent will get"

"We need to stop and get some things to cover that up, hiding our tracks isn't enough anymore."

Dimitri adjusted the sleeping toddler on his hip and his bag whilst James grabbed his own and the trio set off in the direction of the nearest town.

"This town is in the territory of some pretty ruthless wolves so we need to be extra careful and get out as soon as we can, we can't fight a whole patrol and defend a toddler at the same time, you almost died to a single alpha protecting Jamison, which is atill pretty impressive seeing as though you're an omega and can last so long with a ruthless alpha-"

"James I get it, get in and get out as fast as we can"


     For the rest of the trip it was silent besides the occasional wild life and the crunching of snow beneath their feet. Jamison had woken up and used the restroom behind a tree but was silent as he starred at the glistening white snow contentedly whilst the older two males walked in silence, he had started nodding off again when suddenly James stopped and sniffed the air.

"Shit, we have company...."

     Dimitri clutched his brother close and let out a low growl. In no time five wolves surrounded the three and Dimitri looked to James who looked conflicted but nodded and pulled the young boy close to himself.

"If we get attacked out here I want you to take Jamison and run James"

"What no, I'm not leaving you to get yourself killed!"

"Please James, we both know you're faster than me but that I'm more durable! Jamison need someone to keep him safe and that someone needs to be you"

"....Fine Dimi, but you better make it back to us alive you got that!"

     The brunette sighed in relief and gave a small nod.

"Thank you James, and I'll try my best...."

     The wolves began closing in as James slowly picked up Jamison while Dimitri prepared to shift before the leader finally pounced.

"James now!"

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