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Alejandro Stevenson//age 22//wolf name Creek//Rank omega

"I don't know Dimi, what if they attack us the moment we go in there?"

"I don't think they will James, but just in case you hold Jamison alright?"


Dimitri gave eskimo kisses to the sleepy toddler who giggled before hugging his friend. They had, or rather Dimitri had, decided to eat with the pack today to scope things out, if he was going to accept Kanji's offer to stay he'd need to actually interact with the others.

"Ah Dimitri you three are awake, are you eating breakfast with the rest of the pack this morning?"

"Yes Kanji!"

"I am glad, I hope that everything is to your liking"

"Thank you Kanji!"

Dimitri smiled up at the alpha who smiled back.

'I don't trust him, he's hiding something....'

-He's way too close with Dimitri already, he has barely interacted with you and Jamison-

'Suspicious and unsettling....'

"Please let me escort you three inside to meet everyone!"

"Oh you don't have to!"

"I insist Dimitri, I have yet to eat myself anyhow"

"Well I'm in no position to stop you...."

Kanji smiled at the trio and led them inside, everyone in the large dining area instantly looking in their direction.

"Welcome alpha!"

"Thank you everyone, today we have three special guests. This is Dimitri, James, and Jamison, they will be staying with us for a while and I expect you to treat them as you would your fellow pack members!"

The other wolves looked between themselves before Jamison silently reached out for Dimitri who gladly held his brother while James stood awkwardly and followed Dimitri who was being led by the alpha to the food.

-They are all staring at us....-

'I know, if anything happens we run with James who we'll give Jamison to until someone catches up and then we'll attack, but only if they attack us....'

"Bubby can I have pancakes?"

"Of course Jamie!"

As Dimitri and James fixed theirs and Jamison's plate another wolf offered a seat. Another omega.

"You two must be the omegas everyone has been talking about, my name is Alejandro and it is a pleasure to meet the two of you!"

"I guess so, my name is Dimitri and this is my brother Jamison and one of my best friends James!"

Dimitri smiled at the other omega who smiled back while Jamison ate his now cut up pancakes and James looked around the dining area suspicious, something wasn't right here.

"So where are you three from? I've never smelt rouge wolves that have two strong pack smells"

"We actually just became rouges, our old alpha was a jerk but Kanji is really cool and so nice!"

"Yeah he really is a good alpha isn't he, it's been hard on him ever since he lost his mother but you seem to have brought out a spark in him I haven't seen since she first got sick"

"Alejandro you know we're not allowed to speak of the old Luna's condition, you'll upset the alpha...!"

This caught James' attention as he starred at the subordinate that now looked uncomfortable, so Kanji had a temper when it came to his dead mother, sounds kind of like Dimitri honestly.

"Are you three going to be joining the pack?"

"My brother and I most likely are, I'd like to watch things a little more before I decide though"

"Well I hope you join us, it's always nice to have new friends!"

Dimitri smiled and the rest of breakfast was spent in a peaceful silence, it seemed as though nothing could ruin it.

"Alpha something urgent has come up that requires your attention!"

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