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James Evergreen//age 19//wolf name Shadow//Rank omega

"I hate this, why do they have to come here this year?"

"Because it was our packs turn to hold the gathering James, come on aren't you at least a little excited? I mean if your mate is a werewolf in one of the other packs then you'll finally get to meet them and have your happily ever after!"

"I don't need a mate, I have my parents, two best friends, and a nephew in my life, that's all I need to be happy!"

Dimitri watched the two in slight amusement, he was still grieving for his mother but these two made it hard to be sad all the time.

"Hey that one kid Maliki will be here Dimitri, I wonder if he remembers us!"

"I doubt it Hassley, he's next in line for alpha and we're just a trio of omegas...."

"I could care less if he remembers us, kid was way too clingy with Dimitri and I swear he asked his dad if they could take him with them when they were leaving"

"Okay that is a little creepy, but still he seemed nice!"

"Oi omega how dare you talk so freely about an alpha behind his back!"

The trio turned to see the son of the pack's beta glaring at them and growling. Dimitri sighed as Hassley tried to explain that they weren't or didn't mean to while he himself held a hand over James's mouth and restrained him. It was when the male smirked and threw a mop bucket at Hassley that Dimitri released James and shifted without a second thought before attacking, an action that the beta wolf had seen coming as they shifted as well.

"James go get someone and fast! At this rate they'll kill each other!"

When the alpha arrived, Dimitri had a claw mark on his thigh and muzzle while bits of the beta's fur were missing and he wore a deep claw mark across one of his eyes and a cut in his ear. Dimitri snarled at the other wolves as they tried to separate the two but stopped at the sight of his brother starring in horror.


"So, you're not allowed to go?"

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"So, you're not allowed to go?"


The alpha had picked not going to the gathering and stable duty for a month as his punishment, it didn't seem that harsh to him but he knew how much the gathering meant to other wolves so he could sort of see why it would be his punishment. He had to explain to Jamison why he had attacked the beta after getting cleaned up and the child was now sleeping on his back soundly while he got the omega female's hair styled and makeup done for the gathering.

"They shouldn't be allowed to do that! This could be your one true chance to find your mate and they're just going to deny you of that?!"

"Shh, Jamison is asleep Hassley. besides, it's not like my mate would even except me anyhow especially after learning about Jamison and what I did to that beta"

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