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Daniel Ferris//age 20//wolf name Reaper//Rank Beta

"He should have been here by now James!"

"Hassley he's okay, our Dimitri is strong and stubborn, he also wouldn't let anything happen to Jamison either and neither would Artimis!"

"Something had to have happened, what if-"

"Will you shut up? You omegas talk too much...."

"Why you-"

"Alpha there is an omega male and a toddler on our land, they were found by the lead warrior during patrol and the omega is currently being interrogated and punished for trespassing while the toddler is being taken care of by the female omegas!"

"What sort of punishment?"

"I am unsure alpha, Carver said he had it handled so I imagine it's pretty bad!"

     Malaki narrowed his eyes at the subordinate wolf before swiftly walking off and leaving a horrified James and Hassley behind. James growled and went to run after the alpha but Hassley grabbed his arm.

"We need to find Jamison, I have a feeling he won't let another wolf touch Dimitri and get away with it. He couldn't stop starring at the entrance either if you didn't notice and I'm pretty sure out verbal worry was putting him on edge"

"Dimitri is in this situation because of him, he has no right to worry about him!"

"James please, you know Jamison is probably terrified for his brother and feels alone with those omegas he's never seen in his life!"

     James paused as an image of a terrified Jamison popped into his mind before he sighed and followed his friend.

'Please be okay Dimitri....'

"I'll ask you one more time omega, what are you doing on the Snowy Mountains Pack territory, and with a toddler no less?"

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"I'll ask you one more time omega, what are you doing on the Snowy Mountains Pack territory, and with a toddler no less?"

"Fuck off and just grab your alpha like I've told you five times now, he'll explain!"

     The glasses wearing brunnete glared down at Dimitri before a smirk spread across his lips.

"You're not marked meaning you haven't found your mate or they rejected you right? That means you're free for me to do as I wish since you're below me~"

     Dimitri's eyes widened and he growled lowely.

-Our mate is getting close, he can help us!-

'Oh fuck him, he is the reason we are even in this situation!'

     Dimitri was snapped away from his mental conversing with his wolf by the taller brunnete gripping his chin tightly and yanking his face to face his own, a death glare on the smaller brunnete's face as his growl grew louder.

"You're a feisty omega, I like that~"

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Why would I do that when I have you right in front of me already tied to that chair oh so perfectly?"

     Just before the taller brunnete's lips touched his own the door was kicked open causing the man to jerk away swiftly and take a defensive stance.

"Oh alpha, forgive me I did not notice you were coming nor was I informed!"

"Carver release that omega, he is here with me and the mates of your Beta and delta...."

"Yes alpha!"

     Dimitri held in his sigh of relief as Carver undid the chains around his body and let him stand, but his freedom was cut short when Malaki grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the building the subordinate wolf had taken him to and headed down a dirt path.

"I'm surprised you survived the trip here, our own subordinate wolves have trouble trecking through the snow in that distance with snow falling down on them, much less in their human forms with nothing but a t-shirt and jeans...."

"My only goal was to get my brother to saftey, if I didn't have him with me I honestly would have just turned around and gone home"

"This is your home now whether you like it or not omega so get used to it...!"

     The duo glared at eachother before a brunnete girl with big brown eyes came into view and a large smile graced her face at the sight of Malaki.

"Malaki baby you're back!"


'Oh no....'

"Rosalie honey not right now please...."

"Not right now, are you kidding me? I haven't seen you for almost a week and that's your first response?!"

"I'm sorry love, but I need to get this omega taken to his friend's and brother"

"He's an adult let him go himself! I've missed you and haven't been able to sleep without my darling by my side!"

-He....has a girlfriend?-

'What the hell is even the point of us being here?!'

-He wanted to yell at us for the off chance Jamison was our son but he's over here with a damn girlfriend?!-

'That is it, we are leaving, I can raise Jamison on my own and be a rouge!'

-Honestly that doesn't sound so bad right now, James and Hassley have their mates and will be happy with them even after we leave and Jamison won't be near this fucker....-

     Dimitri yanked his wrist out of the alpha's grip while he was distracted and ran towards the scent of multiple wolves figuring that they must be from the pack house where his friends and little brother were. He could hear Maliki yelling at him and the Rosalie girl trying to steal his attention back as he ran but paid them no mind, his only goal was to grab his brother, say goodbye to his friends, and get the hell away of this damned pack.

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