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Jamison Greenway//age 2//wolf name unknown//Rank omega

"How close is he?"

"He's at the edge of the territory demanding entry, what should we do alpha?"

"I'll get the omegas to the safe house and cover up their scent, then you can let him in"

"Yes alpha!"

     Kanji sighed as he peeked into the cafeteria that the three omegas ate at so peacefully, or at least Jamison and Dimitri, James was on guard and suspicious of everything.

-We need to get them out of here and fast, the faster we do the faster that alpha can come in and leave-

'Right, let us get to it then. I just wish they had at least been able to eat their breakfast first....'

     Kanji walked back into the cafeteria and to the three omegas who looked up at him confused, or at least James and Dimitri, Jamison continued to eat his pancakes unbothered.

"Something has come up and I need you three to please follow me, I'll explain when we are outside."

     Dimitri nodded and picked up his brother who whined about not being finished with his food and took James' hand, he was ready to go and so was James. Alejandro waved goodbye as they all walked away and once they were outside James spoke up.

"So what's going on, is it something to do with our old alpha?"

"Very smart of you James, yes it is. He is at the edge of the territory currently demanding entry, I will be taking you to our safe house that is underground and covering up your scents afterwards before we let him in. I will be back to retrieve you once he-"

"Kanji he's getting closer, if we're going we need to run!"


"Dimitri can sense how far away he is and what he's feeling even though they haven't mated yet"

"That must mean he can feel the same thing and that's how he knows we lied, why didn't either of you tell me?"

"We didn't know it was useful information, we're sorry Kanji...."

"Dimitri do you know what a true mate is?"

"No? I remember mother saying they were rare before she passed and said that her and father were true mates but she never elaborated"

"I have reason to believe that you and alpha Malaki are true mates and that is why he is fighting so hard to keep you, the loss or rejection of a true mate is so much worse than the loss of a normal mate and it would be difficult for him to get things done and run his pack if he lost you"

"That does explain a lot...."

"Less talking, more running!"

     Kanji nodded and shifted before James followed suite, and Dimitri set Jamison down and knelt down to his height.

"Jamie, i'm gonna need you to hold onto bubby's fur as tight as you can, alright? Bubby needs to run in his wolf form, and he doesn't want you falling off. "

"Okay, bubby!"

     Dimitri smiled before shifting and helping jamison onto his back, who held onto his fur tighty before the three wolves took off into a sprint.

"Welcome to the safe house, also known as our underground bunker!"

"Oh wow...."

"Surprisingly comfortable looking"

"I'm glad you like it, I will return when your old alpha is completely off the territory."

"Thank you, Kanji, I truly appreciate all of your efforts...."

     Kanji smiled and hugged the now surprised omega before shutting the bunker door and taking off, leaving a blushing Dimitri, a confused Jamison, and a suspicious James.

     It had been several hours since Kanji had left, and Dimitri was worried. He knew firsthand how strong Malaki was, and if the two got into a fight, he feared the worst. He could also feel Malaki's presence getting closer and closer as well as his frustration and anger growing and it put him on edge.

"Bubby I'm hungry!"

"Okay kiddo let's see if there's any food down here...."

     Just as he was about to open the fridge he heard footsteps up above him and froze.

"You heard that too right?"

"Yeah, grab Jamison and find somewhere to hide...."

"What about you?"

"I have to stay here in case someone gets in, one of us has to fight afterall."

     Jamison didn't really like Dimitri's plan but sighed and grabbed Jamison who seemed confused before heading to the bedroom and hiding under the bed with the two year old.

"Uncle James what is happening?"

"We need to hide while your big brother stands guard out there incase someone break in to hurt us okay? We need to be extra quiet too"

"Is bubby gonna be okay?"

"I'm sure he'll be okay alright buddy?"


     Dimitri smiled sadly as he closed all of the doors to confuse anyone that potentially beat him before taking a seat in the largest room with a couch and two recliners. Now all he had to do was wait....

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