little star . hyunjin

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genre: fantasy / soulmate au 
inspired by/ based on: little star (hyunjin, skz player) 
lyrics by hyunjin 

"That star

I hope my voice reaches to that star

No matter how much I scream

You have no idea how beautiful you were"

The childhood melody is a faint thrum in the base of his heart, a pair of earphones that cancel out the noise of the world around him. The world around him - fast and scary. It made him afraid. He liked the vastness of the sky, the assurance that it was forever. But most of all he loved the twinkling stars - the silver beauties that seemed to change every night but yet were always watching over him.

Hwang Hyunjin - orphaned right after birth, living in a small attic that was sufficiently warm in the winter and cool in the summer. His favourite holiday was Christmas, where the kids gathered in soft snow to carol and wish for gifts. He was an ethereal young boy, wrapped in layers of scarves and eyes sparkling brighter than the holiday lights that illuminated the streets in a golden glow.

I have been watching over you Hyunjin, you may not know me, but I have always been with you. Perhaps I am your lucky star, I think. Or perhaps you are mine.


Hyunjin's POV

I watch from afar, basking in the golden hour of the sun. The orphanage is always the liveliest during Christmas, the kids bundled up and hopeful for their stockings to be filled, not knowing that what they want, they will never get back.

A family.

I am seventeen this year, and I have watched so many kids grow up, get adopted, leave and start a new chapter in their lives.

I feel lonely, knowing that I will never know what my parents were like, feeling like there is no place in the world that could ever quench my desire to be loved by someone.

Even the stars that I wish upon cannot hear my cries.

But still, maybe they have. I just have to wait.

"Hyunjin!" I snap out of my daze, turning my head to face a long-haired, brunette girl. She wears a violet beret and a matching coat, and they complement her eyes. A deep brown with silver flares. Beautiful, just like her.

I smile back. This is y/n. She started volunteering at the orphanage a few months ago, and I have never seen someone as motherly and as good with kids as her. She has a charming, attractive aura that reminds me of a sunrise in all of its glory - in all shades of blue, purple, pink. She is often lost in her own thoughts, unbothered by the evil of the Earth. And for that I envy her- no, maybe for that I am her best friend, both of us not belonging to this world.

Y/n sits down on the wooden bench next to me. It is a routine, a tradition - every evening, we will watch the sun dip below the horizon, the last of its orange fire scorching the ground, and gaze in awe when lights start to spot the blanket of dark blue above. Y/n tells me she studies cosmology and astronomy, and true enough, she is a walking encyclopedia of facts about the milky way, the galaxy beyond our ozone layer.

And I listen to her as she explains how smaller stars are born when red giants explode into a million fragments. I listen as she tells me about the white dwarves, the ones that would eventually fade and become midnight black. She tells me how she wants to live her life up there, very much like me. This bond between us grows with every unspoken wish we whisper to the little stars, the fragile moments we have together wanting more than anything to belong.

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