it's you . felix

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You were the classic, popular kid in school. Smart, pretty and not to mention, feisty. Despite that you had a kind heart, and many people had said you'd definitely be prom queen that year.

Lee Felix was exactly like you. He had minions flanking his sides at all times, features that practically screamed "handsome". With his hair dyed dirty blonde, he was such a punk. But yet, everyone liked him - he was next-level popular.

Not like you cared anyway.

The both of you were friends at times, enemies the next. It was something like a love-hate relationship that apparently seemed adorable to your schoolmates. The next thing you knew you were being incessantly shipped with him, rumours flying about the both of you secretly going out. You'd shrugged them off, thinking they'd blow over. But as the two of you bonded over dispelling the fake news about you dating, you'd grown to like him... and so did he.


Prom was coming and no one had asked you out. You couldn't believe it. You, the most popular girl in school, going to a party single? No can do. You were embarrassed, and Felix wasn't at all helping your mood. He'd asked this girl called Elise out, why of all people? Elise was your arch enemy for goodness sake, having snitched, betrayed and degraded you all her life. Felix was being a total asshole and ignoring you, and you felt as angry as you were upset.

Your best friend had persuaded you to go to prom even though you didn't have a date - it was the only chance to have such a big party in high school anyway. You figured you'd attend, a last hurrah before your pride fell to pieces.

You'd gotten a beautiful evening gown tailored for you. It was sleevless and tight-fitting, but spread out from your waist down, falling to your feet. The deep green dress was complemented beautifully with intricate gold outlines and lace, and you had paired your outfit with dangling earrings. Lips rouged with dark red lipstick and hair falling in curls over your shoulder, you drew the attention of many, including Felix. He was staring at you, mouth agape, which made your confidence hit the ceiling. You held your head high and smiled sweetly at all your admirers. You're not too bad yourself, pretty boy. This was the first time you'd seen Felix in a black suit, and he looked as chivalrous as he was cute.

You hung out where the drinks were, having small talk with your friends who'd passed by. But you couldn't help but feeling all the more lonely. A princess with no prince? Not a very common sight.

Just then, one of your seniors, Minho, approached you. He wore a confused expression on his face asking, "Hey y/n, why are you here? Why aren't you showing off some of your moves?" He cocked his head to the dance floor, where students were waltzing together.

You sighed, blushing. "Well... this is embarrassing, but actually no one asked me..." you stared at his shoes.

"What?" he looked incredulous. He ran his hand through his hair and replied, "I'm sorry y/n, I was going to ask you as a friend. But Felix had been going around telling everyone you were taken."

Your head snapped up, and you saw Felix dancing with Elise, smiling down at her as he twirled her around...

... He caught your eye, seeing the hurt expression you had on your face. You quickly turned back to Minho to prevent Felix from watching the tears fill your eyes. "Thanks for telling me..." you picked up your dress and ran towards an empty corridor, hot tears falling down your face.

Felix found you standing back against the wall, holding your heels on one hand. You were a disaster, completely unpresentable, image ruined. Why would Felix do that... he knows how much this event means to me, I can't believe I fell for a guy like him.

You felt a hand on your bare shoulder, and looked up to see your crush, the guy who'd just basically told everyone not to go out with you, gazing at you with the softest, sweetest eyes ever. You couldn't stare him in the face like normal, feisty you would have. He was probably here to insult you anyway, make you feel worse about yourself.

Felix silently pulled you to his chest, embracing you without saying a word. You tried to jerk away, choking back angry tears. "I hate you, you know?" His grip was firm, holding you as you tried to break free from his awkward hug.

"You know why I said that?" he started. His voice was quivering despite his brazen front, which made your heart ache further. "I didn't want to see anyone holding you, dancing with you. You're mine, and I wanted you to be mine only. So I told everyone I was going with you... Gosh I was such a coward not to ask you out. I was afraid you'd say no, reject me..." he trailed off as you finally met his gaze, easing into his embrace and putting a hand on his beautiful face.

"It's you, y/n. I like you." he pulled you closer, kissing your forehead as you buried your face in his chest.

"I like you too, Felix." the soft music from the grand hall could be heard, and the dimly lit corridor gave a private, yet mesmerising atmosphere. Felix wrapped his arms around your waist as you did around his shoulders. The both of you swayed to the music, treasuring every moment you ever had together. 

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