on track . stray kids

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genre: friendship, fluff
inspired by: On Track MV Stray Kids 

07.46 a.m

It's today, the day of the shoot! Sunshine streamed in from your window, casting a golden glow all over your room. The script you had spent endless hours reciting, memorising, practicing - today was the day you'd make your first ever short film alongside your friends. Among the boys, you'd been friends with Hyunjin since the first grade. The both of you had hung out a lot and he'd been the one to convince you to join film school. Hyunjin had loved photography, videography, and everything to do with it. You had taken much interest in video editing, and at the core of it all - acting. Together, you were the perfect pair.

Minho was a lot like you - and he was your film partner. You'd met him when you joined the school, and he'd helped you out when you first started your film journey. Minho was an actor - a star that shone brightly amongst your group of friends. It was only natural that he was playing the main role in the short film you were making, with you as his partner.

The feeling of excitement didn't fade away as you kicked off your blanket and got ready for the day ahead.

08.10 a.m

The morning dew, the fresh scent of early spring made the atmosphere feel all the more light and beautiful. From a distance, You spotted Hyunjin and Minho walking side by side, clearly pumped for the shoot as well. Running up to them from behind, you gingerly squeezed yourself in between the two boys, reaching up to put your arms around each of them.

" I'm so stoked for the shoot!" your eyes sparkled with exhilaration. Hyunjin and Minho smiled at you, slowing their pace to match your smaller strides.

" Did you rest well?" You noticed Minho's face light up as he spoke, and how naturally his bangs fell over his face. He had this certain attractiveness about him which made him seem all the more suitable as the main character for the high school romance drama that you were going to film. Boyfriend material, you would say.

You nodded, adjusting the straps of your bag. Hyunjin seemed like he wanted to say something, but merely brushed it off when you had asked him about it.

You checked your watch. "I'll see you guys later! I have a board meeting with the girls now," the two boys waved back to you as you jogged off towards the school.

Hyunjin pov

" y/n...?" his voice was small, soft, nervous even.

But he was cut off by Minho. You had looked at your film partner with such an endearing gaze which made him nearly choke. Seeing you act so close to another boy annoyed him, but he couldn't put into words as to why it did. It was natural for you to be close to Minho especially since the both of you were acting together...

... and that was another thing. Minho had always outdid him - Hyunjin was just another camera man. Backstage, unseen, unheard, while Minho was in the spotlight. It seemed unfair, but not unreasonable.

If you ever fell for someone, it would probably be Minho.

As Hyunjin watched you leave, he sank deep into thought. Minho had pulled out his phone, expression unreadable as he scrolled through social media. Wordlessly, Hyunjin shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way to the bathroom.

08.12 a.m

Jeongin watched the whole scene unfold before him, from a new angle, a new lens. It was so darn obvious Hyunjin and Minho both had the biggest crush on you. He felt sorry for his friends, and for you. Eventually you'd be the one making the decision, make a choice that you probably wouldn't dare to dream about at this point. Jeongin smiled to himself, not knowing what to think of it all.

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