your touch . seungmin

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genre: fluff, angst


As cliche as it sounds, the world is a dark place. Full of scary and corrupted people, it is human nature to be evil. Beneath all that kindness and beauty of 'the utopian world', there's always an ulterior motive, a sinful thought, a greedy action...

Well, on the other hand, the world literally is dark. At least for me. Colour? Tone? Gradient? What's that? Seeing is believing? Scared of the dark? All these things I can't experience. I lead a difficult life. I see things differently. I comprehend differently. I do things differently. I am different.

And yes... I'm blind.


2020. Freshman year.

"Mayflower avenue!" The bus driver roars. As the bus rumbles to a stop, you hastily pull out your bus card and stand up. You let your walking stick lead the way as you gently wave your hands around to look for a pole. With the help of your trusty stick, you take careful steps when you realise your coast is clear. Tapping your bus card, you slowly get off the bus, making sure you don't miss a step and die. The bus doors immediately fold close as the bus driver mutters a complaint under his breath. You don't miss catching it. 'What a hassle'. Clearing your voice, you brush off the slightly rude remark and continue on your way.

Life's just like that sometimes, girl, you've already heard it millions of times.

Besides, you have better things to worry about. For example, if you had turned off the fan in your living room and how you're going to survive this year of college. Believe it or not, high school years fly past like the wind and soon, college comes to knock on your door. Really, you wish you had taken classes on socialising skills, because this year you're really going to need it. College with tons of kids versus you, a blind girl. We already know who's going to lose.

Squeezing the straps of your backpack you let your stick lead the way. The incessant chatter of students greets your ears and you're relieved there wasn't silence. However, it was short lived when you hear what they say. Not wanting to dampen your morning mood, you quickened your pace, trying your best to ignore their boring gossip.

"Turn left in 30 seconds." The AI chimes into your ear.

Being blind actually isn't that bad. Once you get used to it, you're pretty much just another human being living your life. Given the advancement of technology and development of the urban society, there are many ways to adapt to the surroundings for a blind person. My stick helps me navigate and travel without being stepped on or stepping on someone. Technology allows me to find my surroundings and aids me on arriving at my destination. However, there are, of course, things that I wish I could experience. I want to see colours. I want to see the leaves fall from the trees, the rain pour from the sky, the colour of the sun... I want to see myself. What do I look like?


You arrived at the cafe, urgently needing to quench your thirst from the long walk through the campus. Pushing open the door, you hear the jingle of the bell and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. As much as you loved coffee, you didn't like crowded places so you decided to make this trip to the cafe the shortest one possible. You slowly walk forward, making sure not to crash into anyone, maneuvering your way to the counter. Although you don't see it, you feel dozens of eyes on you. You feel it. The judgement of the students sitting down and watching you silently. Sighing abruptly, you continue on your way, sweeping their stark remarks to the back of your head. In the short moment of distraction, you forget to swivel your stick around to check if there is anyone in front of you and your stick slides in between 2 feet. Not knowing there was a figure in front of you, you take a step forward, ready to place your order at the counter.

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