camera shy . hyunjin

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genre: fluff, school life 
inspired by: When The Party's Over dance cover by hyunjin



You recited the counts in your head, holding your phone as you tried to learn a difficult part of choreography for your graduation recital. You had tried to get out of performing, and public-speaking was not an option. But the miscellaneous planning groups like backstage crew or props design had such an overwhelming response, the only roles left for the event were that of performing arts.

You had a secret. An embarrassing secret that you refused to share with anyone. You had stage fright. Terrible stage fright which caused you to freeze up even at the sight of a camera. Even worse, the graduation event was such a big thing for your school, hundreds of people were going to be watching you, judging you.

You're going to mess up. You're such a failure. Yet your pride told you that you had to prove to your friends and teachers that you were not a coward. That you would do it and not die in the process.

Your hopes of not tensing up were dashed, just as you caught sight of someone peeking at you through the glass door of the practice studio. You got such a shock, you dropped your phone and shrieked.

Upon realising you had seen him, Hyunjin, the president of your school dance club, pushed the door open and walked in. Both of you had known each other since the 7th grade and now the two of you were part of the graduating batch. You heard that he was doing the other solo performance, but looking at his brave front and the determination in his eyes, you felt all the more small and inferior compared to the dancing legend standing in front of you.

"I'm sorry y/n, are you okay?"

"Yeah, you totally didn't just freak me out there. How long were you watching me?"

" Fifteen minutes?" Hyunjin ran his hand through his hair and looked down, sheepish.


"It was good! I'm serious!"

A rush of warmth had creeped to your cheeks. Flushed, you hastily tried to cover your cheeks by letting down your hair, which was tied up into a neat ponytail.

"I...uh... I was just practising..." you muttered, heart racing.

Hyunjin looked at your flustered self and tilted his head to the side. He didn't understand why you were so awkward about dance, which was clearly your passion. Your movements were clean and precise, and your timing was spot on. In fact, you could have competed with him for dance president - if you had even auditioned for dance club in the first place.

"Why on earth are you in Chess club? You don't look like a chess player at all. You should have auditioned for dance, we would have been happy to accept you!"

He doesn't understand... your breath was getting quicker by the second, and you couldn't find the courage to look your friend in the eye. You could feel his gaze on you, and your heart beat even faster.

"Anyway, if you want to drop by for practice, the studio downstairs is free. Tomorrow 6.30pm?"

... didn't the dance club meet at 3pm?

"I'll see if I can make it," you gave in. You didn't want Hyunjin to keep pressing you with questions about the recital, nor were you going to embarrass yourself by showing your stage fright.

"Great, I'll see you then!" he smiled at you, walking out of the studio.

You smiled back shakily.

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