pizza . changbin

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Your POV

"Y/n, get the phone!" seungmin, your colleague called you. Both of you were rookie workers at a local Pizza Delivery Service, and business was particularly bustling today. You ran to the phone that was buzzing non-stop and picked up the receiver.

Despite how exhausted you were, you put on your professional front as you recited your company's greeting, "Pizza delivery service, what's your order?"On the other end of the line, a male voice requested a mini Pepperoni with extra cheese.

" Name?"

" Seo Changbin." the guy on the phone, or Changbin, muttered his address to a very flustered you, who wrote it down on a piece of paper hastily.

"Thank you for ordering, we'll deliver it to you shortly!" you screamed his order over a very noisy kitchen to the chefs who were already overwhelmed, and you had to repeat the order a few times to get the message across.

The phone was already ringing again and this time Seungmin took over taking orders, allowing you to actually be human and visit the washroom for the first time in hours.

You took a few more orders after that and your other co-workers were busy delivering pizza around the neighbourhood. Changbin's order was ready and coincidentally you were tasked to deliver it, plus some of the other pizzas. Ungrudgingly, you packed his order and hopped onto your bicycle, following the directions on your piece of paper to carry out the delivery. Changbin's house was your first stop, and you quickly but carefully cycled there to drop his pizza off.

You were panting from all that cycling. Changbin's house was up a relatively steep slope and you were so tired that day. But to get paid you would have to endure the lactic acid forming in your legs and push through to get it to the top of this annoying hill.

When you finally reached his house you rang the doorbell, energy drained from cycling there. An average height guy answered the door. He was wearing all black, and he looked like he was around your age, maybe slightly older. His face was sharp and features defined, and you couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked.

"Uh, Changbin right? Here's your mini Pepperoni with extra cheese!" you smiled at him, putting on a cheery front for the company's reputation's sake.

"Thank you," he accepted the pizza gladly, handing ten bucks to you for payment, not even smiling much. Wow, that guy is sure awkward. Handsome but terrible social interaction skills.

Upon having made your first delivery trip, you gathered what was left of your energy and got on your trusty old bike to finish your job.


Exactly a week later, on Tuesday night, where would you be but at your second home - a bustling pizza place working your butt off for a minimal salary.

Just then, the phone began buzzing again.

"Y/n! " Seungmin was hollering from the kitchen.

"I got it!"

You picked up the phone, rolling your eyes at your bossy co-worker. He was your good friend all right, but such a nag at times.

"Pizza Delivery Service, what's your order?"

"Mini Pepperoni with extra cheese," came the reply.

You felt like you were having Deja Vu. Literally no one except this guy ordered a mini Pepperoni pizza with double cheese because the portion was only good enough for one person. Not to mention, you personally hated the Pepperoni pizzas here and would much rather go for a classic Hawaiian.

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