loving you (2) . chan

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genre: mythology/ fantasy au 
disclaimer: please read loving you (1) before this part! 
a/n: thank you for bearing with my tight schedule as I update skz imagines so slowly!! Also I'm really sorry for being evil and leaving y'all on a cliffhanger in pt 1... do read pt 2 :) 
part: 2/? 

I stare blankly at the murky sea from the deck, the pale moon casting an eerie glow on the water. The pristine cabin cruiser glides along the ocean, its uncanny calmness mocking the hurricane of emotions sealed inside me. If it isn't for Chan's steady hand supporting my trembling body, I am positive I would pass out that very instant.

"Y/n, this might help." Chan hands me a bottle of beer, his free hand gently rubbing my back, and without a second thought I take a long swig of the alcohol. The coolness and unfamiliarity of it momentarily clears my thoughts, taking me back to the conversation I had with my long lost twin brother a mere hour ago.

"How- why didn't I ever know I had a brother? Let alone a twin brother, for Poseidon's sake!" A foreign emotion is bubbling within me - after everything I had just been through, finding out I had another blood-related kin simply living and breathing on this Earth was the last thing I had expected. I don't know what to believe, who to trust anymore.

"Well, even your father didn't know about me." Seungmin shrugs.

"Our father. And how did you know I even existed?"

Seungmin's gaze settles on me, and he stares long and hard, as if trying to rephrase his next words. "Our mother didn't die having us, you know?"


"Mum lived in Atlantis when we were born. But she was a surface girl, through and through. She-"

"Hold on, my father said she never made it to Atlantis because she died trying to get-"

Seungmin snarls. "I know what he said. That bastard has built Atlantis on the sands of lies, he's been using you, using all of you. For years."

I feel the colour drain from my face. "W-what do you mean?" My relationship with my father has always been strained, but deep down, I knew, it was for my own good. Everything he did was for my safety, and he never ever wanted to hurt me. What the hell is up with this story?

Seungmin scoffs, but it seems more of a painful, forced laugh than an attempt to degrade me. "Let me give you the whole story, yes? I suggest you uh, sit, or something. This is going to change everything."

My stomach threatens to throw up its contents.

Seungmin sits, and Chan and I follow suit. "Mum knew she was pregnant with twins, but our father didn't. Mum kept it from him because she knew that he would want us to live underwater with him. She wanted her children to stay with her on land, and maybe, her selfishness may have saved us..." he smiles, as if reminiscing the past.

"When we were born, she hid me on land and brought you down to Atlantis with the power our father had given her. They raised you there, but she would always come back to the surface to care for me, her son. I remember her as a kid - I would always ask Grandmother when she was going to come back." His face darkens. "But then one day, she didn't come back. No matter how much I waited and cried on the shore, she never emerged from the water like she always did."

I bite my lip, tears welling up in my eyes. Seungmin definitely had a much closer relationship with our mother than I did, and while I envy that, I cannot imagine how much he must have gone through, losing her the same way as I did, yet remembering it so much more vividly.

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