soulmate . minho

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genre: fantasy, soulmate au

People constantly tell me I'm crazy. My head in the clouds. Just a speck in the universe. Understanding, finding yourself in the gigantic mess of the earth. Losing yourself to find the truth. I believe that when creation first began, my soul had been torn in two, my other half somewhere out there. In another person, whom I will find. I will then understand what it is like, to see and to love. To love at first sight. Simply to find my second soul, the one who knows me before meeting me. My soulmate.

A coastal town, crumbling structures and bustling streets. My home. Although my town was so small on the map, so insignificant, it has this strange beauty about it. How the sun rises and sets every day, casting an orange glow over the buildings. The certain rustic, vintage kind of feel to the infrastructure, the street markets and shops lining the roads. We receive the light sea breeze from the ocean nearby, the dust and salt in the air almost familiar to all who reside.

I was seventeen that year. In my hometown education was only provided up until you were sixteen, and by seventeen the expectations of you rising to take your parents' place, rising to lead the people were there. But I was always lost in my thoughts. People called me a dreamer. They'd shout and tell me to snap out of it, to act like a regular person. It drove me nuts. My meditation was always interrupted, my peaceful place torn apart. So I never talked to anyone. People called me a mute.

Beneath the town's beauty, there was darkness. Beauty is pain, and there's beauty in everything. I believed that.

One day we had new neighbours. A small family moving in to start a new life in our humble town. Like a curious bird I watched as a couple stepped out of the pick-up truck to the town, unloading their belongings, which admittedly, was not a lot. Wordlessly they had walked into their building, smiling at those who welcomed them. I was standing barefooted, at the side of it all, observing. Eyes wide, head tilted to the side. No one seemed to notice me.

And then a dark-haired boy around my age stumbled out of the vehicle. He was not facing me, but I noticed his bowl-cut black hair that didn't quite seem to stay, his structural figure and his big hands, how his veins bulged as he clenched and unclenched them. From his stance and posture I could tell he was reluctant to be here, fiddling with some baggage.

Perhaps I was mistaken but I heard him call my name. Not aloud but it was unmistakable that I had heard. There was a certain aura radiating from him, and I was confused. I'd never felt like that before. It was as if there was an invisible string binding us together, connecting us with each other before we had even looked into each other's eyes.

He's the one. I know it.

Someone once asked me what I'd do if I liked someone. I had simply responded, "nothing." The person was confused, and asked me why. I told her that there was a perfect time for everything, and I believe that if it was a true love, a true connection, you would know. You would know and the universe would lead you to your next step.

The boy had nervously turned around. His head was hanging slightly, but he still looked up from under his long eyelashes. He had this certain attractiveness about him in a small but yet charming way. I caught his eye and naturally, the corners of my lips turned up ever so subtly. He did the same.

I did nothing that day, sitting on top of my roof gazing at the last of the sun's rays cast shadows over our little town. In the distance, waves crashed on the shore, and I was hanging my legs over the edge of my house with my head tilted up to the clouds. The boy from just now was standing at his balcony in the house next to mine, wondering why I was risking my life sitting like an idiot on top of my roof. I saw him looking at me and motioned for him to come up. The thing I liked about the unique architecture of our town, was that the roofs of many houses were easily connected... if you dared to jump.

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