feeling . seungmin

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Comfort food. That's what Seungmin needs! You had noticed that your boyfriend, Seungmin, had been down lately, not to mention stressed out. He was a university major in computer science and his finals were approaching. You on the other hand, had dropped out of school to work - supporting the both of you. It was a strange occurrence since you were one year younger than him, but it worked out. The both of you were happy together.

There was one problem. You had only the slightest idea how to cook. You had debated buying some spicy Korean rice cake to snack on, but then it wouldn't seem special. You wanted Seungmin to feel appreciated, to feel loved, through the many cuddles you would give him and hopefully through some food. Eventually, you decided on Ramyeon, one of the easiest but most delicious foods to make. You would set the table, clean up the house, all for the perfect atmosphere. It would be amazing, and you were dizzy with excitement to begin your task.

Seungmin was coming home later that evening, which gave you ample time to prepare. By strictly following the recipe you had sourced on the internet, and using your not-so-bad knife skills, you began preparing some meat, chilling some kimchi and boiling the water for the instant noodles.

Surprisingly you emerged unscathed but hot, from the tiny kitchen your two-room apartment provided you with. You changed out of your tank top into something more smart-casual, and tied your hair into a high ponytail. It was ready!

You heard the door open - a very exhausted Seungmin stumbling in, carrying his books and bag. " Seungmin!" you greeted him, helping him with his baggage.

"Hey y/n," he smiled weakly at you, but upon seeing the food on the table, his eyes lit up. 'I'm starving! Did you cook that?"

You nodded proudly.

" You're the best, y/n!" he pulled you into a hug and you melted into his arms. Out of all the feelings in the world, this was the best feeling you'd ever experience.

Mid-autumn, the heaters and the cosy ambience of your house gave a beautiful, warm vibe. Its rustic features, paired with the oak wood dining table you'd thrifted made the whole place seem like a haven, a place that was only yours and Seungmin's. The orange lights illuminated your dining space as the both of you sat opposite each other. You were lost in his eyes, drawing strength from being with the one you loved the most - as did he. He'd reached across the table and took your hand in his. " Thank you for this. Thank you for everything, y/n."

Even though your cooking wasn't the best, it was the mood and the feeling that made the night beautiful in its own way. It was such a simple gesture of love that you'd poured your heart into, and Seungmin loved you for that - your thoughtfulness, how you showed your love in such small but meaningful ways.

" Y/n there's something on your face..." Seungmin laughed at the piece of kimchi that was stuck on your cheek. "Here..." without warning, he leant closer and wiped it off your face with his thumb.

You flushed, remembering the first time the both of you had met. You were a sophomore, and he was a senior. You guys had sat together with a bunch of other students at the cafeteria a few times, but one time, you had a rice grain on your face, and Seungmin had effortlessly flicked it off for you, laughing it off as if it were nothing. It was then you started noticing him, and for him, the same.

"Thanks," you mouthed. The both of you talked, not about school, not about work. You focused on the small things, you reminisced the events of the past. Every moment with him had been a new experience, something that had made your feelings for him grow. You cherished that, and so did he.

Later that night, you had gone to bed, resting on Seungmin's shoulder. He shifted, wrapping his arm around your waist. You snuggled closer to him, hearing his heartbeat as his eyelids started getting heavy, and he drifted to sleep.

"I love you, y/n," he'd murmured, before nodding off.

"I love you too, Seungmin."

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