미친놈 (Ex) . hyunjin

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genre: film/MV shooting
inspired by: Ex- Stray Kids 
A/N: this was written before the 
미친놈 (Ex) MV came out so it is not based on the MV itself but the lyrics and meaning of the song. enjoy =) 


scene 1

Slow, reverbed music plays softly as ambient noise. Camera zooms in on main character. He leans his head on the window of the bus as the scenery zooms by. His gaze is distant, filled with sorrow.

Bus pulls to a stop and camera angle changes to show main character standing, head down, hands in pockets, in front of an empty park. It's near winter and the sky is an ash grey. Ice cold rain threatens to fall.

In his hand, a pendant suspended on a necklace string comes into view. The pendant is a simple, silver ring and a name tag hangs with it. His knuckles are white from the cold and from how hard he grips the necklace.


scene 2

Main character turns around at the mention of his name. The scene transitions into a flashback, as the park is illuminated with golden sunlight, the sounds of children playing, people talking. It's springtime. The main character looks younger, his features softer.

Hyunjin walks towards the source of the noise. It had come from behind a willow tree in the centre of the park. Its lush green leaves sway in the cool breeze, its strong bark telling a tale of the years it withstood. He notices a necklace hanging on one of the branches, its silver pendant reflecting the sun's rays. Hyunjin smiles as he spots the familiar piece of handmade jewellery, and he stops in front of it, gingerly taking the pendant in his hands. A name tag attached to the necklace has four distinct korean letters written neatly on it - 좋아해요 (I like you).

Camera angle changes and it swerves slowly to film a girl standing behind the tree, her hands pressed to her chest, back against the sturdy trunk. She senses the main character's presence on the other side of the tree and bites her lip, a warm smile spreading across her cheeks.

Hyunjin sees a slight movement behind the tree and grins, quietly rounding the tree and startling the girl standing behind. The girl jumps ever so slightly, but they both burst out in laughter upon meeting each others' eyes. Hyunjin puts on the necklace and takes her hand, as they both stroll through the trees.

scene 3

Main character sits alone in a classroom with his airpods plugged into his ears. Study materials and exercise books are sprawled across his desk as he writes, running a hand through his hair.

The same girl from before enters the frame and sits down next to main character, catching him by surprise as she takes an airpod from his right ear and stuffs it into her own.

Hyunjin looks up from studying and faces her, his eyes filled with admiration. She leans her head to rest on his shoulder, and he puts his arm around her. Their faces are glowing, mirroring each other's blissful expressions.

Camera zooms out and focuses on his pencil case, where the necklace is tied to the zipper. Their faces are blurred in the backdrop and the scene shifts once more.

scene 4

Hyunjin and a few of his guy friends are deep in conversation, striding across the school campus. By now, a year has passed and final examinations are imminent. Every student's expression is glum and dazed.

The girl spots Hyunjin with his friends and runs up to them, waving and matching their pace to walk with them. However, Hyunjin doesn't look her in the eye. He wears an apologetic smile, but his eyes show a different side of the loving Hyunjin she once knew. Before she knows, Hyunjin waves goodbye, promising her he'd text her later that day. She is left behind, crestfallen and confused by his strange behaviour.

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