sleepyhead . minho

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genre: fluff, high school au
a/n: happy bday minho!! 

"I like you y/n."


You jolted awake from the dream, silently berating yourself for thinking such thoughts.

It's minho, you idiot. He's your friend and nothing more.

Still, your heart raced as you stretched out your arms, reliving the weird position you had been in the whole night.

Suddenly, your arm hit someone's head, and you sat upright immediately, taking in the surroundings. You were in your classroom, and although dark outside, you could see the familiar place clearly. Next to you, a sleeping boy- the boy in your dreams. Minho stirred next to you, causing your heart to do another 3 backflips.

Last night, he both of you had agreed to study together, but tiredness had overcome you and unknowingly, you had fallen asleep.

Next to Lee Minho . The most popular kid in school, your best friend - and possibly your crush.

Well done, y/n.

You looked over to the sleeping boy. His features were perfect, his visuals breathtaking. You knew, sooner or later you would've fallen for him - but falling asleep next to him? You couldn't take it.

All of a sudden, Minho turned in his sleep, sprawling his arms out on the desk. His hand found yours, and subconsciously, he held it, as you willed yourself not to explode.

You were absolutely rooted to the spot, not wanting to wake him. Maybe there was a chance for both of you. Maybe you could be together. A warm smile spread across your face as you leaned back on your arms.

Back to dreaming it is.


Last night

" the answer will be 3 right? Y/n?" Minho looked up from the math problem he was solving and turned to find you dozed off, using your arms as a pillow in front of you.

Minho smiled at your exhausted figure as he studied your features and natural glow. Your airy bangs fell over your face in heavy strands, and he'd brushed it away with his thumb. It was a Friday night, and the both of you had been burning the midnight oil preparing for the upcoming exams.

Now you were fast asleep, face turned towards him and still holding a pen in between your index and middle finger.

Not wanting to disturb your gentle form, Minho gingerly folded his arms in front of him and closed his textbook. Slowly, he rested his head on his arms, facing your direction as the whir of the air conditioning, the dim light and the comfy atmosphere made him more drowsy.

He scooted closer to you, placing his blazer over your sleeping self. You shifted in your sleep, moving nearer to his warm body, a heat source in the cold night. His heart fluttered, and leaning over, he could see every eyelash, every fleck and blemish on your face.

You're so beautiful, you know that?


Subtly but gently, soft lips brushed against yours, as quickly as sleep came.

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