20th century boy . minho

1.7K 45 9

genre : retro, fluff au

word count: 2K

playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4A9AAJw335J1Cn7ZJRYIHy?si=de819903c0814cd5

a/n: happy new year's eve everyone! this is just a short fluff fic for all of you - thank you for supporting this fic <3 I hope 2023 treats you well and see you all again next year! This story's title is inspired by 20th century girl (watch it!!) and NewJeans' Ditto MV style. Wanted to make a retro fic for so long now so finally - it's here! Enjoy :) 


[VHS recording no. 143 // 31 December, 1999]

"Why are you wearing that? Christmas is already over, you blockhead."

The girl in the recording glares at the camera, pursing her lips and pulling the sequin-adorned Santa hat even more firmly over her head in defiance. She is wearing a red lanyard and a silver nametag on her hoodie. The camera zooms into her badge, and it reads : Y/N.

The male voice - the one operating the decade old VHS camera he found in his family's stash of old 'toys' - laughs a melodious (and slightly evil) laugh and runs forward to put his arm around the girl. The camera bounces as he runs, the screen glitching but capturing glimpses of their smiling faces.

"Well, one of my new year's resolutions is to be fashionable at all times, so don't judge me. Oh, by the way - do you have any new year's resolutions?" The girl tries to shield her face as the boy steadies his camera to film her yet again.

"Nah, I never really stick to them anyway." She takes the camera from him, and cheekily zooms into his face. His features are well-defined, a beautiful young man with large, ambitious eyes and sharp eyebrows. "Besides, you never know if the world's going to end tomorrow." He follows his statement with another round of evil laughter.

I stop the recording, giving Minho a withering look. Everyone's been passing around this weird rumour that the world won't go into Year 2000, but instead cease to exist. Honestly, while their words carry no weight, I somehow find it poetic that I get to spend the 'last day of my life' with my dear co-worker.

Whom of course, I've liked since I started working in the departmental store.

An announcement chimes over the system, signalling the mall's closure at 6pm. Minho and I had decided to work overtime on New Year's Eve just to clock in those holiday-season-hours and earn some extra cash from our holiday job. As recent high-school graduates, this was our chance to experience the working world, and honestly I completely didn't mind stocking up shelves and giving free balloons to babies alongside my crush.

"Eh Y/n, let's go get dinner before we come back and pack up the store. Also, it's your turn to treat us - I want fried chicken!" Minho taps me on the shoulder and before I can refuse, darts in the direction of our usual dinner place.

"Not my turn again! You blockhead..."


[VHS recording no.144 // 31 December, 1999]

The recording starts with a closeup of Minho's face - it seems as if he is facing the camera towards himself - and he raises his eyebrows at the lens.

"Y/n forgot her wallet, so we're going allllll the way back to the clothes section on the 6th storey to get it."

He flips the camera back around to show Y/N skipping steps up the escalator.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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