Chapter 11: Drunk

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Naira staggered, as Tanvi supporting her, led her to the rest of their gang.

'Ise kya hogaya?' Tanmay asked, noticing the struggling duo.

'Fel gaya raitha...She is bloody drunk' hissed Ranveer, taking in Naira's staggering form and Tanvi's struggles.

'But Naira told she never drink. Then how come she drank?' Aditi told, recalling her conversation with the former earlier, where she had instantly refused in having any alcoholic drinks.

'She doesn't drink but I do. I had my drink in my hand, and she thinking it to be juice, literally snatched from my hand and gulped it down' said Tanvi, tensed.

'Gosh, What to do now? She is soo drunk' said Sameer, anxious for Naira.

Tanmay cursed.

Before Tanmay could say anthing, Naira suddenly giggled, clapping her hands in glee.
'Tanvi.....I want more...' pointing at the empty glass in Tanvi's hand.
Tanvi's eyes widened as Tanmay looked at Tanvi, shaking his head.

'Haa Naira, I will give you.But not now, later' Tanvi tried to calm Naira.

Naira poured sadly.

'Now what the hell are we gonna do??' Asked Sania, looking at the rest.

Kartik had returned to the party, adamant on ignoring Naira. He was fuming inside with anger, and his anger could be sensed from 5-10 feet away from him.

So, Thankfully, no one came towards him or disturbed him. He  stood in a corner, his mind thinking about Naira. Her hesitancy to answer him now, even after he himself coming towards her for answers, made him all the more confused and worried.

A nagging thought pricked him at the back of his mind- Did he do any mistake in judging her? He shook the disturbing thoughts to the side and sighed.

Oh Man! He surely do need a drink tonight. He straightened up, and walked towards the bar. The waiter poured him a peg, and he was about to gulp it down, when he heard someone giggling.
The voice was Naira's, he detected.

Curious, he turned back, and the most bewildering sight met his eyes.
A drunk Naira was clapping her hands, giggling, while Tanvi and the other girl who hangs out with them, he didnt know her name, was struggling to support her.

Worried for Naira, He, with a thumping heart, rushed to their side. The set of students was taken aback by surprise, more like frightened out of their wits, seeing him.

He could not care less. His gaze were fixed on Naira. She was clearly drunk. But how was it possible.

 Naira would never drink it, recalling her displeasure towards any alcoholic drinks.

He looked up grimly at the rest of them gathered there.

'Will anyone explain me how did Naira get drunk? 

'Sir, we didnt give Naira.She, by mistake, drank it'. Tanvi narrated the whole incident to Kartik.

Kartik nodded grimly. 'It's fine.But next time be careful. I will see what to do with Naira. I will drop her home'.

Kartik held Naira's hand, supporting her and taking her out of the party.

Naira staggered, and with all the strength she could muster in her drunken sense, tried to push Kartik away.Keyword: Tried.
Kartik was holding her in an iron grip, and moreover her own hands and legs were betraying her,in their drunken state and also overwhelmed by Kartik's Intimidating presence, totally going in the opposite direction.

'Uff...Chodo...' huffed Naira, struggling in his hold.
'Kya hai...Stay still, will you...' barked Kartik, stopping and glaring at her. He could sense a few stealthy glances on them, and with a struggling Naira, it was more awkward and irritating.

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